Status: Finished

November Rain


“I like you. I mean, I really like you.“

His lips hover over my own and damn, he’s giving me a choice. I can push him away right here and now or…stand still and just let it happen.

Rough hands move up my neck, I shiver, and ghost over my cheeks, sending a jolt straight to my chest. And finally, he wasn’t just hovering anymore and our lips met. When I felt his lips against my own I waited for the feeling of disgust, but it never came.

Oh no, it definitely did not. Instead my heart slammed against my rib cage, beating far too erratically from such a simple kiss. My toes curled and skin tingled. It was every feeling that I’ve never had. So why am I feeling it now?

Shit…I shouldn’t be.

Kannon slowly pulled away the pure pain and sorrow showing in his eyes made my stomach clench. “That’s all I wanted.“

For Kannon to use the energy to not only find me, but admit his feelings and even kiss me is beyond a miracle. For him to stand before me, hands at his sides, and wait patiently for me to answer is yet, another, miracle.

But to be honest, I don’t know what to think. I mean, hot damn, a guy can only handle so much. Fuck, first I get the girl of my dreams, who turns out that fuck no she isn’t the girl of my dreams. Then my best friend and I go through a time where I drown myself in alcohol and we ignore each other.

Now here we are, standing in a room alone, after he had admitted that he likes me in more than a friendly way. I can’t handle this, all this change, confusion, and shock. I just…damn, I don’t know.

But as I look up into the dark eyes that my best friend has owned since childhood I can’t help but think that calling him my best friend isn’t right. If we were just friends I wouldn’t feel like this.

I wouldn’t feel like shit when he’s not around. I wouldn’t miss him even though he left a second ago. I wouldn’t want him to hold me, to hug me, to have all his attention on me, to…kiss me. I wouldn’t think of him night and day. There are a lot of things that happen between us that wouldn’t happen if we were just friends.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I push past every little thought in my head that’s screaming but he’s a boy, but we’re best friends, but this just shouldn’t happen, but this isn’t right and I go with what my heart is telling me to do. Because really, when have I ever listen to my brain? Actually, Kannon is the one to believe I don’t have one.

So lets have him be right for once. I don’t have a brain and it isn’t screaming at me. And thinking that brings me enough courage to place my hands on both of his cheeks and he seems shocked, so I take this moment as an opportunity, and press my lips against his for a second time this night.

Of course, it isn’t as nearly as clean as the first, because really I’m just too nervous and I’m shaking terribly. I’ve never been so worked up over a single kiss, but stupid Kannon. He’s so stupid and ruins everything!

Except for this. This kiss is a lot better with Kannon.

His hands rest on my hips and I feel so weird, but when his lips are moving against my own perfectly I don’t care. I just focus on the way his lips feel on mine. I focus on how good it feels for us to be like this, to be so close. It’s…better than I ever imagined.

Not that…I’ve imagined it or anything before! Oh-ho no, no, of course not! I’d never do that, because we’re both boys. But isn’t doing it worse than imagining it? Fuck. There Kannon goes again, ruin everything, including my thought process!

After I realize that yes, I need air to breathe, we pull apart. His hands are still on my hips and mine on his cheeks. Our foreheads are touching, but I don’t dare open my eyes because I know if I do my pride will kick in and I’ll be pulling away.

But I don’t want to pull away. It just feels so right…wait a second…


“What?” Kannon asks. I bet bringing a girl up right now is not a good thing, but it’s important!

“Did you break up with her?” I ask, opening my eyes, which narrow into a glare set on him. Kannon sighs, and he’s back to his normal self.

Pulling a hand away, the other looping around my waist to pull me into him, he scratches at his head and says around a yawn, “Mm, no, takes too much energy.”

“You asshole! You can’t just come to me, expressing your undying love, and kiss me when you have a girlfriend! You little fucker, you should have-”

“Aren’t you still dating Vanessa?”

“Fuck you, ass wipe.” I scowl, shoving him away. He goes straight to the floor and I throw my arms over my chest stubbornly. Damn it, Vanessa. What am I going to do about that? I hate breaking up with people, it sucks. “Fine, I’ll be the responsible one and go do what should have been done earlier!”

I glare at Kannon who simply shrugs. I can feel his eyes on me, or rather my ass, the entire way to and out the door. Ok, just because he admitted he liked me doesn’t give him the right to watch my ass! It makes me feel so…weird, but at the same time powerful because…what if I can use my ass to persuade him into doing things?

Ok, that sounded way dirtier than I meant for it.

Sighing, I make my way through the house until I find Vanessa, who seems to actually be waiting for me. I step in front of her and watch as she swirls the beer in her cup, sitting in a lawn chair outside with a frown.

“Vanessa,” I go towards her, but she raises her hand to stop me.

“I already know…I saw you and Kannon.”

“O-Oh! Vanessa, I’m really-” I go to apologize for Kannon being a dumb ass and me not listening to my head, but she laughs, which is unexpected. I watch with confusion as she giggles.

“No, it’s ok Bridyn. I knew this would happen. You and Kannon are just…meant for each other. And besides, walking in on two hot guys kissing is definitely ok in my book…of course I would have appreciated if you broke up with me first,” she explains, hopping off her feet to stand before me with a shy yet sad grin.

I smile thankfully and give her a friendly hug. She sighs into my hair and does the same as I whisper, “Sorry, Kannon is a dumb ass and didn’t warn me…but thanks for understanding, Vanessa.”

“No problem,” she giggles. “But now I expect pictures.”


“Yeah, of you two kissing. I mean, hot damn Bridyn, that is like orgasmic!”

Fuck…we already have a fan girl. Isn’t this dandy!
♠ ♠ ♠
-glares- Love me...?
