Status: Finished

November Rain


The two standing before me look furious, shocked, and slightly disgusted. I never thought that this would be the way they would react. I always thought that they’d be perfectly ok with it, that they’d actually cheer me on and say ‘go for it,’ but I get exactly the opposite.

I never once thought about how my parents would react. Maybe I should have…

“What was that?” My mother asks, her nose wrinkling in disgust at the mere thought of the good-bye kiss Kannon and I had shared moments ago.

Squirming, I look to my feet and reply, “A…kiss.”

“With a boy?” Dad hollers, shaking his head in disappointment and denial. “No, there is no way my son is a faggot.”

“What do you mean? Why does it matter if I like guys or not! I’m the same person-”

“Don’t you raise your voice to us, Bridyn,” mom scolds, glaring coldly at me. The look strikes me to the core and I take a step back. No. There’s no way that my parents would do this. They always thought Kannon and I were so cute, such amazing best friends so why…

Why did they not see this coming? Kannon’s parents did. They approve of it too but why are my parents doing this? Why do they care so much? I always thought they were so open-minded about everything.

“Go to your room while your father and I discuss…this.” Neither of them look at me as I move around them with my head bowed. I do as I’m told and go straight to my room where I shut myself up and lock the door. I really don’t want to talk to them when they’re acting this way.

I can’t believe they are. My parents, my parents are…homophobes. I bite my lip. Isn’t this what I was scared of? I was scared of what people might think of the relationship I have with Kannon. I was afraid this is how they would react and now that my parents are reacting in this way I don’t know what to do…

What if they don’t let me see Kannon? What if they don’t let us even talk? What can I possibly do? I don’t…I just really don’t want to lose him of all people. He’s…although he’s a lazy douche bag I still like him, a lot and I don’t want to lose him…ever.

I debate on calling him but the idea of my parents walking in on us talking sends a shiver down my spine. I don’t want them reacting any worse than they already are. I’ll just…talk with Kannon tomorrow.

At least, I thought that, until my door is thrown open and an all too angry father stalks in. The look in his eyes, the slight hatred, the disgust, and the shock is the reason my stomach twists uncomfortably. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I squeak, “W-What?”

“You know what,” he growls. “Kannon isn’t allowed over. You aren’t allowed over his house. You will not call him, give me your phone.”

“What!” I scream, standing up so that I’m nose to nose with the man who I thought was a decent human being. Apparently I am an idiot because I was dead wrong. “No way! I’m not listening to-”

My soon to be rant was cut off by the fist connecting with my jaw. Shocked, I fall back onto the bed, my fingers running over the already reddening skin. Wide-eyed, I look at my father who is fuming and shows no guilt of what he just did.

He just hit me…my father hit me…

“Give me your phone.” He holds out his hand and I hesitantly hand him the device. He grips it tightly and stuffs it in his pocket. “No son of mine is a faggot.”


“Bridyn, what the hell happened to your face?” Kannon asks the moment he leans in for a kiss. Shit, I thought I put enough cover up on to hide it. Apparently not.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” I laugh, leaning up to kiss him. He soon forgets about the bruise the second after I run my tongue across the expanse of his mouth. Groaning, he wraps his arms around me and pull me into him. His tongue doing the same to me and sending a jolt of pleasure through out my entire being.

We pull away with a soft ‘pop’ and I smile but the moment I remember what happened last night, that quickly slips away. Kannon raises an eyebrow and I just shake my head, brushing it off as nothing and grab Kannon’s hand, walking with him to class.

What am I going to do? I can’t tell Kannon that my parents don’t believe in our relationship and we can’t be together. He’ll probably get the wrong idea and think that I just don’t want to be with him. I don’t want that. I guess…I’ll just keep it a secret.

I can just…say I’m grounded, yeah, yeah that’ll work!

“Hey, Kannon,” I call, catching his attention immediately. It makes me smile to know I’m the reason he opens his eyes and turns to look at me. He’s using his energy for me so he can talk to me. It’s all for me. I love it! “I’m grounded so we’re not going to be able to hang out after school for a while and I’m not allowed on the phone either.”

Kannon scoffs. “What the hell did you do this time?”

Shrugging, I force out a laugh. “Oh, nothing much, just pissed off the folks, as usual.”

Kannon rolls his eyes but I can see the disappointment so I reach over to wrap my hand around his own. A small smile replaces his normal scowl and he entwines our fingers. I give his hand a squeeze before going on to talk about how our teachers nipples are always a fucking mile long because they are.

Seriously, she needs to cut those things off. They’re too sharp to be considered healthy in anyway shape or form. I feel bad for her husband. I bet during sex he can’t even look at her. He probably has to look at himself through a mirror or something.

Poor, poor guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh, Bridyn's parents are causing problems!
