Status: Finished

November Rain


I stare at Bridyn’s neck and the purple-ish mark on it the he didn’t too well with cover-up. First he can’t call me or hang out with me and now he’s coming to school with marks on him?

Is it a bruise or maybe… a hickey? I shake my head at that thought. Bridyn doesn’t cheat. He never has and he never will. I bit my lip, though. If it is a bruise, someone’s hurting my boyfriend. Perhaps it was an accident and he fell or something and hurt himself.

I brought my lips to his and he sighed contentedly before kissing back.

“So, are you still grounded, or can we do something today?” I asked.

“No, I still can’t,” His eyes avoided mine as he said that, which worried me.

“Well, get to class, dumbass,” I say, smirking.

“You’re a real jerk, you know that?“ He says, rolling his eyes before leaning up to kiss my jaw. I just laughed.

Just as I took my seat in class, Vanessa approached me. “Kannon!”

“Yeah?” I asked, looking up at her.

“Are you and Bridyn fighting?” I look at the girl in front of me strangely before shaking my head. Why would she think we were fighting?

“Well, he called me last night and said you weren’t picking up, I mean, is something up with him?” Vanessa asked.

I think about that for a minute or so, first he says he’s grounded and can’t make calls to me but he goes and calls Vanessa? He didn’t call me last night, at least, I don’t think. I pulled out my cell phone and went through my calls. I should’ve woken up; my cell phone ringtone kind of scares me awake. There weren’t any calls from Bridyn at all.

Why’s he acting so strange lately? What’s going on? What isn’t he telling me?

“I… I don’t know.” I said, shaking my head.

“You are going to talk to him right?” She questioned, tilting her head to the side.

“I’ve tried earlier when he had a bruise on his cheek. He just said it was nothing and brushed me off,” I told her.

“You idiot! Nothing always means something!” God, she’s just like Bridyn, attracting attention to us from everyone with her loud voice and calling me idiot and stupid all the time. Well, she’s a good person though, that much is true.

“I’ll talk to him after school,” I promised.


“Bridyn?” I called out, grabbing his arm. He smiled at seeing me. I pulled him away from the crowds of kids running for the buses or their cars and pulled him into the boys bathroom.

He looked around at his surroundings before wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and saying, “Oh, so this is what you had in mind.”

I rolled my eyes at him. ”No, we need to talk.” His face turned serious at that in a matter of seconds. “You need to tell me what’s going on, Bridyn. You lied to Vanessa about not being able to get a hold of me and now you’re showing up at school with bruises? I won’t be mad, I just worried about you. Please, tell me what it is.”

“It’s nothing, nothing’s going on.” Bridyn said. Obviously he was lying. I could see it in his eyes.

“Bridyn, I think I know you a little better than that,” I told him.

“Just… I can’t… Just leave me alone!” He said and ran off, leaving me baffled.

Was I being too harsh? Am I a bad boyfriend? I don’t understand. I just want him to be okay, is that so wrong?
♠ ♠ ♠
well, I was gonna update earlier but.... I took a nap...
And now my room's all sweaty! Ewww....
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