Status: Finished

November Rain


I shut my door, hard, behind me and slide to the floor. With my head in my hands, I groan and run my fingers through my hair. Tugging at the golden locks, I look up and around my room as if I expected Kannon to suddenly appear and ask me about the marks on my neck, again.

I bite my lip and get up.

That was close, too close. What if I had let it slip? I don’t want him to know what’s going on. I can’t let him know. But he’s going to get suspicious eventually, isn’t he? I can’t lie about being grounded forever.

Groaning, I fall back onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling. Not knowing what to do really sucks. And, like Kannon always says, I am stupid so I can’t come up with a way to fix it. If I just told him then what? What can he possibly do besides worry about me?


Jumping, I glance to my side at my phone, which is ringing and vibrating violently on my bedside table. I reach for it and stare at the caller I.D. Biting my lip in contemplation, I flip the phone open only to hang up.

Sorry, Kannon, but I just can’t talk to you right now.

Gripping the phone in my hands, I sigh in frustration. Maybe we should…just break up? It’d be a lot easier that way. I could find a girl, date her, and get my “parents” to “love” me again. They won’t hurt me. They won’t stare at me like I’m a freak, a monster, some type of mistake that they regret. They won’t treat me like I’m scum of the Earth.

Things can go back to normal. Kannon and I can be best friends. I can be straight. I can go to playing sports and getting my parents back. Things can just be like they’re supposed to be…

But I’ll hurt Kannon and…I don’t…want to do that. I don’t want that at all and besides, now that I’ve got him I don’t want to give him up. Because he’s all mine now. He’s mine. And I want to keep it that way for as long as I can.

“Bridyn, dinner is done, get down here!” Mother shouts and I flinch at the sound. She didn’t sound motherly at all, more like she wants nothing to do with me.

Sighing, I get up to head downstairs. They’re both sitting at the table, eating silently and I join them. But the silence is broken when my “father” says, “I have a friend, Dr. Harmon. You will visiting his clinic every Thursday from now on.”

“Pardon me?” I raise an eyebrow and glare at the man across from me. “You want me…to go see a shrink? There’s nothing fucking wrong with me!”

“Don’t raise your voice to your father,” mother scolds, her hateful, cold eyes set straight on me and I shiver. She just looks at me and I feel like I’ve been taken to Antarctica.

“You will go until…this…is fixed.”

“You can’t fix anything!” I shout, standing to my feet and slamming my hands against the table. The plates rattle and I huff. “There’s nothing to fix! So what if I like a guy, it doesn’t matter! Get over it!”

What I said only seems to tick my father off more because he bolts to his feet. Scowling, he screams right back at me. His face suddenly becomes red with anger and I can see the veins popping out from his neck. “No son of mine is a fairy and we will fix you!”

“You make me sound like some type of device. I’m fucking human you jackass so you can’t fix anything! What even makes you think you can?”

I step back as he advances towards me. My back presses itself against the wall and I bite my lip to keep myself from screaming in fear when his hand grips my chin. Keeping a good grip on me, he forces me to look at me as he spits. “You will do as I say, Bridyn.”

“Fuck you,” I scowl, shoving him away from me. “Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!”

A fist makes contact with my cheek and I stumble to the side. Holding onto the throbbing area, I look up at him in fear. I squeak in fear when he slams me against the wall. He fists my hair in his hand and uses it to keep me from looking away.

“What did I do wrong, Bridyn? Huh? I raised you good, didn’t I? I gave you want you wanted when you wanted. I took you out to play sports and let you play video games. So where did I go wrong? What did I do to deserve such a sick, disgusting piece of shit, huh?”

“When did I mess up? Tell me, where did I go wrong!” He shakes my head, slamming it against the wall and I bite my tongue.

“There’s nothing wrong with me!” I try to tell him but he continues to shake his head in denial.

“No, no, no! You’re my son but no son of mine is a cock sucking faggot! It’s wrong, don’t you understand that? You’re going to burn in hell, you sick freak!” He throws me to the ground and I flinch at the throbbing pain in my head. Pushing myself onto my elbow, I’m only shoved back down by a foot crushing itself against my wind pipe.

I gasp for air and claw at his ankle, which only makes him press harder. And I can hear his screams but they begin to blur together. Everything around me begins to spin and just when I think the darkness is going to take me, something crashes against my father, sending both it and him to the floor.

I can finally breathe and I suck in as much air as I can. Coughing, I rub my throat and look over just in time to see Kannon’s fist making contact with my fathers face…

Wait, Kannon!?
♠ ♠ ♠
Is that a cliffy?
-gasp- yes, yes it is
I am not pleased with the lack of motivation we've been getting
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