Status: Finished

November Rain


I decided to go to Bridyn’s house after he didn’t answer my third call. I know he’s grounded but it worries me. Besides, I wanted to investigate what was going one and this was just the excuse to do it.

What I see is shocking in more ways that once. And all of a sudden my instincts go haywire and I’m on the floor, punching Bridyn’s father’s face, marring his skin.

“Kannon!” I hear Bridyn squeak from behind me. I stop all my actions and pull myself up from the ground. But I’m not done.

“How can you call yourselves parents! You hit your child for Gods sakes! And for what?! Because he likes a guy? Because he likes me? I don’t care what you say! I still love him regardless! I’ll continue loving him even if we’re separated. I don’t see how who he likes would even affect you.” I yelled. I couldn’t help it. I was just so angry that they could do this to Bridyn. I suppose that’s why they call it ‘blind with rage’. I turned to look at Bridyn, who was on the floor, wide-eyed, staring at me. Was he staring me like I was an alien because I was yelling at his parents or because-

I froze and swallowed the huge lump in my throat. Without a romantic date or thinking up a clever way to say it in privacy, I’d told Bridyn I loved him for the first time. It’s always been something on my mind, that I’ve loved him for all these years but… saying it is completely different from just having it float around amidst my thoughts or telling him in my dreams.

I fought back saying anything to him about what I’d yelled out for the entire world to hear to turn back to his parents. “I’m taking Bridyn to my house for now. If you think you can come to accept him, we’ll be waiting.”

I turned to Bridyn and reached down to pull him up and place him on my back, with his help of course. They just watched in shock as I carried their son away from them and out the door.


Bridyn wrapped his arms a little tighter around my neck. “Let me down,” he ordered. I released him as he asked and he walked next to me. I wish my parents didn’t have the car or else I’d have been able to give him a comfortable ride home.

“Are you sure?” I asked as I turned to face him. Just as I got the last syllable out, he had grabbed my face and crashed our lips together. I kissed back early, wrapping my arms around his waist, holding him close to me. When we broke apart for air, I pressed more kisses onto his nose, cheek, forehead and so on, until he asked me what I was afraid he was going to ask me.

“Did you mean what you said?” He asked.

“Mean what?” I wasn’t trying to play dumb, I just wanted to clarify so that I didn’t look like a fool.

His face turned bright red before he looked away to say, “that you… l-l-love me.”

I just decided to tell him the truth. “I... yes. I do. I do love you.”

“And… i-if I said I l-loved you too?” His face got even redder at that, if that was possible anyhow.

“That… would make me extremely happy. But only say it if you mean it. I don’t want you to feel forced.” I whispered, finding that there was a lack of volume in my voice.

“Okay…” He said back before taking my hand and lacing our fingers together and pulling me along side him so we could walk back to my house.

It’s okay with me if he doesn’t say he loves me back right away, he probably needs some time to digest that information.

“Thanks Kannon.”

“For what?”

“For somehow knowing when to rescue me,” He said, chuckling.

“Maybe I have a sixth sense,” I said, shrugging. He was silent after that.



“I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I wrote this while doing ChaCha, in between questions while traffic was slow so there might be a few more errors than usual.
My sister and I are trying to save up enough money to pay for parts for a gaming computer <3
So far we're at 35/300. I made $30 more but the deal was I'd help her back my dad back and she'd help me make money on ChaCha for the computer. XD