Status: Finished

November Rain


That bitch! How dare she take away my Kannon, my Kannon! Just because she’s his girlfriend doesn’t mean she’s going to have all power over him! Hmph, and walk to class together? Since when did they do that? Never! So it shouldn’t be a problem if I join them.

I hop up to Kannon’s side in a matter of seconds and you bet Sammy wasn’t pleased. Just like her I wrap my arm around his bicep. Her grip on him tightens and I begin to feel like we’re fighting over him-oh wait, we are! But best friend trumps girlfriend every time!

I chuckle and ignore her, putting all my attention on the boy who seems to not notice the little spat between us and say, “So buddy, I got Assassins Creed for my PS2. You up for playing it tonight? Some friends said it was good, but I’m not really sure if I’ll like it.”

Kannon seems thoroughly pleased that, although Sammy stole him, I just came running back. That bitch ain’t taking my best friend! I had him first and besides, they had the weekend together. We share during the week so she can get over it.

Wow, now I sound like a bitch! Maybe she’s rubbing off on me? Yeah, that’s probably it. Girl cooties or something ridiculous, as Kannon would say, like that. Speaking of Kannon, he shrugs, seeming like he doesn’t honestly care, which he probably doesn’t and replies, “I don’t care what you play.”

“We,” I correct him, glaring angrily at the boy. He sighs, because he now knows that I plan on keeping him up while he’s at my house. There is no way he is sleeping on the job! “You don’t care what we play.”

“Yeah, whatever, we.”

I grin triumphantly because yet again, I won. I always win, because I am a winner and Kannon is a loser! It’s just how it goes. My charming looks and personality just beats his to the ground, although Kannon is pretty hot too so I shouldn’t say it’s my looks that beat him because he definitely beats me in that department. Oh well, I can act cocky and pretend I look better!

“Hey Bridyn,” Sammy’s voice catches my attention and I send her a questioning look. If she asks me to leave I swear I’ll rip out her uterus. “I heard that Vanessa has a thing for you.”

“Really?” I perk up at the mere sound of a girl liking me. It’s not unusual, trust me. I go from one girl to the other quit easily, but Vanessa! She’s just about the most beautiful girl in our entire school, not to mention she’s a total babe. “Who told you that?”

If I got with her then…then all my wildest dreams would come true! She is the one girl I’ve had my eyes on forever and she likes me? If I were a girl, I’d squeal right now, but I’m not so I’m just going to fist pump. Hell yeah!

Sammy giggles while Kannon stares at me like an idiot, surprise there! After I had a short victory dance I look back at Sammy who gestures to the end of the hall where said girl stands, looking as beautiful as ever I might add. When she see’s me, she smiles and waves, flicking her natural strawberry blonde hair behind her shoulders. I feel like I’m melting just looking at her.

“Go talk to her!” Sammy urges, pushing me down the hall. My legs feel like jelly though and I squeak, quickly running to hide behind Kannon, who groans.

“Stop being such a pussy,” he orders, grabbing me by the bicep and throwing me in front of him. “If you want her, talk to her.”

“But it’s Vanessa!” I drag out the ‘a’ for extra emphasis. But they don’t seem to understand my struggles. What the hell? Do they not understand who Vanessa is? Must not…strange, I always thought Kannon claimed to be the one who had a brain.

Kannon sighs and walks ahead with his hands shoved in his pockets. I watch his back curiously as he makes his way into class, not even bothering to say good-bye to Sammy or I. Hmm, what crawled up his ass and died? It can’t be Sammy, because she’s standing right next to me…maybe she’s a zombie?

That’d make sense…

“Hey Bridyn!”

My entire body stiffens at the sound of angels. I turn my head, but only slightly because I don’t have enough time to do anything else into a body collides with my own. I squeak, but manage to keep up, until I see who it is who ran into me.

My legs begin to give in and we both tumble to the floor in a heap of giggles and grunts. Ha, does anyone else find that a bit odd? No, no one? Oh, well I guess my brain really doesn’t function properly. Stupid Kannon, stupid! Always insulting me, now look I’m starting to agree! Damn it.

“Bridyn, I’m having a party at my house tomorrow night. Will you come?” Vanessa asks, pleading with those big green eyes of her. And how the hell can I say no to that? Sure, I don’t drink or party really…but if Vanessa wants me to, I will!

“A-All right.” Damn it, I stuttered! Don’t stutter, that isn’t cool. She probably thinks you’re an annoying little nerd now. Damn it, Bridyn, you idiot!

Vanessa smiles and gets off mesadly. I get to my feet and brush the invisible dirt off while she says, “Awesome! It’s at 6. Here’s my number,” she scribbles it onto my arm and I just about die right then and there. “Call me?”

“Fo sho!” And here comes the laughing and extreme embarrassment, now!

“Did you embarrass yourself?”

“Shut up!”

Kannon rolls his eyes and buries his face back into his arm. Sighing, he says, “Don’t worry about it. If she’s talking to you she obviously doesn’t find your idiotic ways annoying or anything. It’ll be fine.”

“Why is it that you always have to insult me, even when you give some type of stupid advice?” I scowl, crossing my arms stubbornly and eyeing the boy suspiciously.

Kannon shrugs. “Because someone has to be honest with you.”

“Oh fuck you, you butthead.”

“Only idiots call someone a ‘butthead.’”

“Nuh uh! Butthead!”

Kannon groans. “Shut up. I’m trying to sleep.”

I whine. “Damn it, Kannon! You don’t need no sleep you good for nothing best friend!”

And he’s not listening to me anymore is he? Nope…he’s asleep. What an ass.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Bridyn. I really do, hehe
Send us love!!!!!
