Status: Finished

November Rain


“Sammy, have you seen your man?” I ask around a scowl. I’ve been looking for that ass for ages. The chicken dance was on and I wanted to embarrass him, but that shit is no where to be seen, which means he’s probably sleeping!

God, even at a party he’s completely useless. That butthead…

Sammy shrugs and replies, “I think he went upstairs.”

I whine because everyone knows what happens upstairs. Now I’m going to have to go up there and look for him! What if I walk into a room to see some pale ass mother fucking pounding a girl? I really don’t want to be mentally scarred for life.

Aw well! If that happens I’ll always take my anger out on Kannon. So I risk my eye sight and go upstairs, pushing open doors to try and find the lazy ass known as my best friend. And it actually doesn’t take me long to find the lump of nothingness lying on a bed fast asleep.

Growling, I take a running start and jump right on top of him. With a loud shout, coming from me, an annoyed grunt from him, we both go tumbling to the ground in a heap of limbs. I laugh the moment I land on top of him and push myself to sit up on his stomach.

Kannon, opening one eye because he’s too lazy to open both, glares up at me and snarls, “What. Are. You doing?”

“What am I doing? What are you doing? I’m down stairs waiting for a dance and I don’t even get one! What the hell is up with that? And why are you fucking sleeping at a party!” I shout, crossing my arms angrily and glaring at the idiot below me.

Sighing, Kannon sits up and I quickly get out of his lap because we may be close, but honestly…what guy sits in his best guy friends lap? That’s just fucking weird!

“Can’t you let me sleep in peace?” He yawns tiredly, rubbing at his eyes. I quickly slap his hands away because when he does that it means he’s about ready to lay back down.

“No!” I exclaim, grabbing him by the ear ring. He growls as I drag him like a mother would out of the room and back down stairs. “I’m ready to go home so lets go.”

Kannon scoffs, “And why should I take you home?”

“Because I have a hold of your piercing and can rip it out right here and now if you don’t!”

Kannon growls, but does as he’s told. I laugh because yet again I am victorious! Just before we go I kiss Vanessa, my girlfriend good-bye and the moment we get into the car I’m talking a mile a minute.

“Can you believe it!” I scream, my hands locked behind my head. “I got the prettiest girl to ever walk this Earth!”

Kannon rolls his eyes and sighs, “Congratulations.”

I grin and jump up and down because really it’s amazing. It’s so amazing! I got the girl I’ve always wanted. She’s mine and I’m hers. We’re a couple, a legit couple, an item. How fucking awesome is that? Very fucking awesome that’s what!

“Hey tell your bitch of a girlfriend that you and me are going bowling tomorrow. I need a little competition and you need to get off your ass!” I order, grinning like a mad man. Kannon gives me a look that clearly states he is not interested in bowling, but I got him to agree anyways…

Because I’m chill like that.


“And what exactly is the point of this?” Kannon questions, bowling ball in hand.

I grin and throw my legs up onto the table. With my pop in hand I take a sip and reply, “Shut up old man and bowl.”

Kannon scoffs and goes towards our lane. He gets a strike and I scowl, because I knew it was coming. Kannon is good at bowling, although he only does it with me about once a week or every two weeks. But I am determined! I will beat this bum one day!

Grabbing my favorite blue ball I take my turn. I didn’t get a strike like Kannon, which told me that I’m probably going to lose, but whatever I’m going to try my hardest anyways!

“So,” I mumble, turning to face the boy who is leaning against the table. “You don’t seem so happy with Sammy lately. What’s up?”

Kannon scoffs, but I know that I hit something because he didn’t turn to look at me. Normally, if everything was fine, he’d look up at me with that ‘you’re such an idiot’ look and do whatever it is he’s doing. But this time he continued staring at his feet, rather angrily I might add.

For Kannon to look angry takes energy, which means that there is definitely something up.

“Come on Kannon, you can tell me about it. She’s been a little bitchy lately too. Are you two fighting?” I ask around a chuckle, because really it isn’t at all weird for them to be fighting. It’s actually quit common. I don’t know why they stick around each other.

Shrugging, Kannon grabs a bowling ball and gets a strike again. “You could say that.”

“Is everything ok? What can I do to help?” I’m his best friend. It’s my job to help him get some! Even if that some is Sammy, who is a bit of a bitch.

“Nothing, just forget it…by the way, you pop spilled.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me sooner, you ass!”
♠ ♠ ♠
So Bridyn sees that something is up but he doesn't know what
