Status: Finished

November Rain


My eyes follow Kannon all the way down the hall until he disappears. And when he does I snap out of whatever trance it had me in and I face Sammy, who has a smirk on her face? My eyes narrow, because obviously there’s something wrong with Kannon and Sammy is smirking.

“What are you smirking at?” I seethed through clenched teeth and fists. Sammy’s eyes lock with my own and she flinches, because she knows I’m angry.

I may be a nice guy, hell I know I am, but if you piss me off you’re as screwed over as Megan Fox is when surrounded by 20 horny men. Yeah, gang banged!

“N-Nothing,” she replies, eyes downcast and I know immediately she isn’t telling me something. But I know the bitch won’t tell me what it is so I decide to talk to Kannon about it.

Kissing Vanessa good-bye I go off to first period quickly. I get inside the room on time for once! I believe I should get an award for that and I even tell the teacher my thoughts. The asshole just laughs and goes on with masturbating to his old woman porno’s. Fucker.

Easily I manage to spot Kannon near the back asleep. Shocker there folks!

I work my way back to his side and take a seat. Quietly, I lean over to rest my head next to his own and sigh. My breath brushes his arm and I know he knows I’m there but I wait for him to angrily grumble, “What. The fuck. Do you want?”

“What’s wrong?” I ask, the normal childless tone I use completely gone and replaced with complete and utter concern for my best friend since diapers. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if my parents told me that we use to share diapers because we were always together.

I bet my baby penis was bigger than his! Ha, ha, that’s off topic though…back to the point!

“Nothing,” is his snarling response. Rolling my eyes, I nudge his elbow with my own to get his attention. He rolls his head to the side so he’s looking at me and I frown, something that is quite unusual with me. Actually, I think this is the first time I did it all year!

Damn you Kannon for making me worry. I feel like a woman…I will get my revenge later.

“You’re lying.” It isn’t a question, because I know something is up. “Tell me what’s wrong, let me help. I know I-”

Maybe it was the tension from whatever is going on or maybe he was actually tired and cranky and didn’t want me to bother him. Maybe it was a different reason all together, but in the end it happened and I was so shocked I fell out of my desk.

Kannon stood, knocking his desk over in the process and he actually used the energy to holler at me, “Nothing’s wrong Bridyn! Stop asking stupid question.” And he stormed out of the room.

If it were someone else, I’d laugh, but this is Kannon. For him to use the energy to stand up, yell, and stomp out of the classroom, it just screams something is wrong. But obviously he doesn’t want me to know what it is. But why…I thought we were best friends…aren’t best friends supposed to tell each other everything?

The rest of the day went by in silence. Well not complete silence, being the determined child that I am I attempted to strike conversations, that Kannon would only grunt at. It was a simple conversation ender so in other words, we didn’t talk all day.

Kannon was unusually bitchy so I didn’t bother to invite him over at the end of the day. Although it felt so entirely wrong to wrap my hand around Vanessa’s waist and lead her to my car, I still did it, because we’re dating now. We should spend whatever time we have together.

But this was Kannon and my time. We always hang out after school on Mondays, even if we did spend the entire weekend together. Sighing, I shake my head and take a seat on the couch. Vanessa immediately places herself onto my lap and starts shoving her tongue down my throat.

But although her hips are moving against mine and her hands are getting very closer to my arousal, even if her tongue is battling with my own and she’s moaning in appreciation I can’t help but think about Kannon.

Is he ok? He didn’t seem like it. He yelled at me for fucks sake! He even stormed out of class and practically ignored me for the rest of the day, no he did ignore me. There is obviously something wrong and he isn’t ok.

What’s wrong? Is he fighting with Sammy again? Does Sammy really know what’s up? She has to, for her to smirk like that. They have to be fighting or having some type of argument, I don’t know. Are they keeping secrets from me? Maybe something happened and Sammy is pregnant or something…no, no than she’d be the one storming off.

All Kannon would do is blow it off his shoulder like nothing, stupid ass.

“Bridyn, baby, you aren’t even participating.”

Vanessa’s voice brings me back from my thoughts, which for some odd reason are still, even now when I’m staring her in the eye, are on him.They’re always on him.

“Sorry,” I say to her with an apologetic smile. “I’m just worried about Kannon. I mean, he is a dick, but he was being an unusually large dick today…like black penis large.”

Vanessa giggled at my poor excuse for a joke. Shaking her head, her blonde locks falling into her pretty face, she sighs and kisses me. “Come on babe, we need to get your mind off things.”

“And how will we do that?” I question curiously, watching the way her hips swayed as she guided me to the door.

Grinning she replies, “By partying it off, of course.”

And that suggestion, my friends, is how I find myself today at an unknown house, in an unknown room, naked, with Vanessa beside me, and a pounding headache that could kill a fucking mammoth. And isn’t it really fucking pathetic that although I have no idea what happened, where I am, or if it’s even a school day all I can thinking about is;

I wonder if Kannon is ok?

But we’re best friends so it’s perfectly fine for me to worry like this, right? It’s fine for me to care this much…it’s perfectly normal…No it isn’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm...anyone else think that Bridyn thinks about Kannon a little too much?
Not that I mind =D
I DEMAND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
