Forbidden Loathing Frozen Lips

xHate is the closest thing to lovex

Sweat poured down the restless boys face as the velvety voice of another rang through his disturbed head.
'aspire love is forbidden...I will be the one to dispatch you from life, and death....There is hatred filled words of fire...coming from such frozen lips.....I can show you a sweet dream...or a nightmare full of hell.... I will...Never...leave you alone.'
The hairs on his neck prick up, the words being breathed into his ear.
He felt careful fingers caress across his left cheek, so quickly that he barely acknowledged the contact.
Just the thought of this man touching him, made a jolt of fright run throughout his body. All of these dreams he's been having lately not only scare him to death, but also make him feel anger towards that beautiful man's voice.
Frank knew he wasn't gay, and he hated admitting that he was some-what attracted to the voice in his head.
He was angry at the fact that he felt attracted to a man, and he was frightened at the pretty words of ravenous love that the voice spoke of.
'Frankie darling....Don't be afraid of can't hide...because I’m never going away, I’m in your head forever.' the man whispered.
Frank was delicately placed into a strange room, he was laying on a soft surface, a small amount of pressure on his waist.
‘I know what your thinking…yes I’m real…and I know that you desire my presence so badly.'
As the man voiced this, Frank shivered as a wet tongue traced circles on his jaw line.
He had just established the fact that his body was constricted to a mattress. He was building up a scream of distress and choking on his breaths.
There was a gag shoved into his mouth…..
No sound could be heard, even the biggest of screeches he worked up could not break the silence, all that came were gurgles of saliva.
The man was now unzipping my pants, as I spazzed in reaction. Kicking my legs and struggling with his tight grip on my lower half.
I wanted to scream stop, but the gag was muffling my cries.
I could feel tears welled in my eyes.
‘Aww sugar don’t cry.’ the man cooed caressing my face once more, but this time with a hint of passion.
Wet kisses sauntered my neck, every time the frozen lips of the mysterious man touched my skin the tingles lingered for a few seconds.
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I know its creepy....But I love this story line :DD <3
Sorry if my grammar is'll get better.