Forbidden Loathing Frozen Lips

So you've been pleading

He began unbuttoning my black shirt and pulled at my collar roughly with both of his hands, bringing my head to his face.
‘You’re my toy...and we’re going to play /this/ game accustomed to my rules.’ He murmured evily into my ear, sending waves of inclination down my back.
I grunted through the material in my mouth, his lips forming a smile while smashing against my neck.
My pants were soon being dragged down my legs, and after they were finally disposed of his soft-warm, reoccurring breath was on my lower stomach.
I gasped through my muzzle at a sudden twinge of pleasure as he groped me roughly, my boxers still in the way of the contact.
His ardent hands felt there way up to my heaving chest, my shirt had already been decently unbuttoned.
He threw my shirt to the floor and brought his hands back to me.
They shaped over my body from my thighs, up to my sides.
Tears were pouring freely down my sweaty embarrassed cheeks….I was being raped…and I 'enjoying' it?
The man began to crash his hips together with mine.
‘mh.’ he moaned into my ear, making me buck my body towards his hardness.
It didn’t make the situation any less sensual, because that little move made me hard also.

Frank was frantic with a web of things sprawled throughout his head. Though most of his mind was topped with confusion…why do I like this?
Who is he?…
Why is he touching me so passionately?
…How does he know my name?
Is this just a figment of my unnecessarily obscene imagination?
And why the hell is he talking to me like he’s known me for years?
He brought himself to look at the man's hidden face.
At that moment he was nipping at my neck, I shuddered violently.
You could audibly make out muffled noises emerging from Frankie's muzzle, they sounded throroughly pleased.
'Frankie you think too much, …Stop crying all of those fake tears, we both know that you're being satisfied just as much as I am…’ he said coldly undressing himself…
I attempted to look up at his face once more.
Only to realize I’d been blind folded, but….I can see him…
Well his /body/ I just-
…I can’t see his face. Its like my brain will not /allow/ it.
His bare chest was soon revealed, it was pale and so beautiful, I visually cringed.
It was structured so nicely. He had a toned stomach, but it wasn't muscular enough to look like he tried.
My brain was screaming at me not to…but my heart was racing and telling me to take this advantage…
I tried moving my tied hands towards his chest and just barely touched his soft skin, satisfied with what I felt beneath my finger tips.
I heard him do this breathy chuckle and saw him clutching the hips of his pants.
The man slowly moved his fingers towards the button, almost teasingly.
I groaned desperately at his tease into the rubber in my mouth, and started creating more friction between our hips.
He let out a gasp and quickly got his pants down.
‘Now…this won’t do will it?’ he panted into my ear.
The gagg in my mouth was being taken out, he chucked it behind him.
His hidden face came towards me and I could tell he was going to try something.
I screamed in horror finally realizing what I was getting myself into
“HELP M-!”
My mouth was covered by stiff freezing hands.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay...the next Chapter won't have rape in it...sorry for all of you prude peaches ;D