Step in My Shoes and See Me True

The Weirdness

I helped my dad get my dogs in the car.When they were settled I drove home.I obeyed the speed limit this time and my dad was happy about that.

"Lily what did the vet need to speak to you about?"

"Oh hes my friend Emma's older brother is all."

"Oh okay.Do you think that guy Burt or whatever his names is,is the one that did this to Hurricane and Chand?"

"Dad his name is Bert and yes I do think he did this."The angry could be read in my voice like a book,.so my dad chanced the subject.

"So you and that Gerard guy are together?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that."

"You guess?"

"Dad I'd rather not disuse my relationship with you if its cool."

"Okay.May I say sorry for what you saw this mourning.I really didn't want you to see that.I mean I love your mom but.."

I cut him off,"Dad please fuck who ever you please but do it in the bedroom please.I don't want to see what they look like okay."

I pulled into the drive way and got out of the car.I got Chand and walked to the front door and opened it.Chand was knocked out form the pills they gave him so I laid him on the couch with a blanket over top of him.My dad stood in the hall watching me holding Hurricane.

"You can palce him on his bed."I said.

He did then out of nowhere he said,"Your really beastiful.You look just like your mom."

He walked away and into the kitchen.I went upstairs to clean off the blood and my dad repeared in my room right when I was swicthing clothes.He went into the room that is within my room and started to clean up.Sometimes my dad can be realy weird.

"DO you want any help?"

"No i've got it.You go a head out."

I walked out and grabbed my coat,keys,messanger bag,and kissed Hurricane and Chand on the nose and left.I drove to the vet again to have coffee with Emma's bro.But before I went I stopped at Emma's house to ask her to come along.She came of course.So now it wont be all weird.
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Okays so eMma here is the update=)Now you can't poke me=)Hahaha...

Okay so what did you guys think???Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I was at the stables=)

Love you all for reading=)
