Step in My Shoes and See Me True

Wait is this true

Okay okay ugh I feel like crap. I hope I don't look it!!!!

"So Gerard did you tell Lily about the drawing yo made???" Frank had a dirty smirk on his face.

Gerard gave Frank one of his damn-it Frank looks, which made me laugh.

"Noooooooo and thanks alot for spoiling it." Grred Gerard.

There was a vibrating noise and the all of a sudden i herd *Oh No here we go shes killing me can't say no shes killing me*. It was me ringing. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell its was my mom.

"Oh on a sec its my Mom." I mouthed to Gerard and Frank.

"Okay." They mouthed back.

"Ugh h-hi Mom?"

"Where are you I called the house and no answer!!!"

"Oh I am at a friends house." I was scared.

"Oh then never mind have fun and see you tonight at 10.Bye." Call ended...

I didn't want to leave but I had to. I hope they didn't take off my arm and see the blood. eke. Well it is also 8:56pm so it wouldn't look rude that i left now.

"So you have to go don't you?" Gerard spoke softly in my ear.

"Yeah. Howed you know?"

His face fell when I said that. The guilty feeling formed in my stomach because he looked sad.

"Your eyes Goofy. Do you want me to drive you???"

Frank pulled out skittles and started to pop them in his mouth as we all talked.

"No its okay I live only a few minutes away." I was laughing I didn't know where I was.

"Okay then I will walk you out."

Frank grabbed me and locked me in a huge hug. I kissed both his cheeks and hugged him back. he then kissed both of my cheeks.

"Bye Lily see you tomorrow."

Gerard took my hand and walked me out.

Jumps 30mins into the future=)

I walked inside and my cell started to ring again.*Oh No here we go shes killing me can't say no shes killing me*. It was a number I didn't know.


"Hi this is Emma we met in school today. I got your number from Gerard." The person Emma spoke through the phone. I wonder does she ever breath???

"Oh hi. So whats up?"

"Nothing really. Want to hang out tomorrow since its Saturday?"

OMG she wans to hang out with me. Yesssssssss I shouted inside.

"Really? Sure."

"Okay cool. I see you."

I was outside on my deck porch like thing. The stars were funny looking.

"y-you s-see m-me??" she got me nervous and I could feel all the blood drain from my face.

"Yeah look to your right."

I looked and to my surprise she was there waving like a maniac. I waved hi.

"Would you like to come over??" I couldn't think of something else to say.

"Ooo now??"


"sure i'll see you in a sec." The phone call ended.
♠ ♠ ♠
This Chapter goes out to my best friend Emma who likes reading this story for some bizzare reason=).

Thanks Emma for reading and telling me to WRITE more=)