Different Minds of One

Many teenagers now-a-days complain about significant others, pimples, school work, and hormones. They think the worst of themselves at all times, and believe their lives are very difficult.

Kaleigh Henderson has frequent blackouts, where she cannot remember at all what has happened in the past minutes of her life. She has spastic seizures, ones that cripple her mind and make it impossible to get a word of pleading out to anyone. She hears voices, the small monsters in her head that she vows never to let anyone know about, the ones that force her to do things against her will. And she has hallucinations, times when she believes a situation or thing is very, very real, but in fact, is not. The problem? No one knows what's wrong with her.

But, over time, Kaleigh becomes friends with Brian, Zacky, and Jimmy. Can these boys possibly help her figure out what this disease is that makes her life so hard? Or will they only become a hindrance, making her symptoms worse?

I obviously own no one but my own plot and the obvious characters. I will not get sued. Go die in a hole.

©Alexandra Curtis 2010