
Ch. 3 - Take Care

I couldn’t open my eyes, but I tried to convince him I didn’t need an ambulance. What I was saying made all the sense in the world inside my head, but hearing it out of my mouth it was all jumbled. He laughed quietly, softly, still tense and lifted me out of my car. As I lay in his arms, clinging to him, I was finally able to open my eyes. My vision was foggy, but I got a blurry glimpse of my car. It looked horrifying. The metal twisted around the trunk of the grand tree. If I’d had a passenger, it was certain they’d be but a bloody corpse twisted around the tree right along with the metal and glass that was my car.
The thought made me shudder and he tightened his arms around me a little and whispered, “It’ll be okay.”
I closed my eyes again and felt a huge rush of warm air. I heard a door shut softly and he set me down on a plush suede couch.
“Sarah” I opened my eyes and his face was but inches from mine. Stunning, but still worry-stricken, it made me wonder how horrid I really looked.
“Mmmm?” I managed.
“Can you do me a favor? Try to keep your head up, if you get blood on this couch its my ass… I’ll be right back. You’re okay… Shhh.”
It wasn’t until he mentioned blood that I felt the warmth streaming down my face. I dragged my fingers across my forehead trying to find the opening in my head. When my fingers skimmed the open gash the searing pain made me wince. Then he was there again, kneeling next to the couch.
“Oh no you don’t.” he smiled. He grasp my hand in his own and pulled it away from the cut across my head. He put what I assumed to be a cold washcloth against the wound and grabbed my clean hand to replace his, holding the cloth against my face, “use slight pressure.”
I looked down at my other hand, the one he had pulled away, still in his grasp, and my mouth fell open. It was nearly covered with the sticky red. He caught on fast to the reason behind my gawking. He put his fingers gently under my chin and tilted my eyes up to meet his own. Those hazel eyes…
“You’ll be alright,” He whispered, “Trust me.” With the way his eyes burned into mine, did I honestly have any choice in the matter? The sirens fading in broke our stare. He rushed outside, leaving the front door open. This was the first time I’d actually had a chance to look around my surroundings.
His house was stunning, warm golden colors accentuating dark cherry wood gave the entire house a cozy feel. The fire dimly glowed in the next room. The smell was something similar to cinnamon, but more unique. The room I was in was elegantly decorated with chocolate colored suede furniture and a beautiful classic grand piano. And the light reflecting off the snow through the enormous picture window in the room across the foyer from me, reminding me how early it was, made the house feel open, and comfortable.
Before I’d gotten but a few more moments to take in my environment, two men and a women all dressed uniformly in white and red EMS suits, half sprinted to where I lay, draped on the couch. I’d gotten my complete vision back at this point and their expressions scared me.
The women ran back out into the cold and quickly returned with a stretcher.
“You’re kidding.” I mumbled. On the count of three they lifted me on the squishy gurney, and smothered my lower half in scratchy hospital blankets. They swiftly rolled me out the front door and partially down the long driveway, then up into the back of the ambulance. One of the paramedics turned to the gorgeous guy – damn, I still didn’t know his name – and said, “ You can jump in your car and follow to the hospital, sir”
“No, I’m staying with her.” He tossed a pair of keys to the other male paramedic and directed him to take the car in the garage and follow. The men exchanged confused glances for a quick moment, but without question, let it go and he got in with me, only inches away from me. The man shut the doors, got in the front seats with the woman and started the sirens again, while the other man got in the boy’s car. The ambulance began to move and there I sat, in all my confusion and embarrassment, alone with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
this needs editing.
some parts are confusing i know.
:] more coming.
(including his name.)