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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Love is never easy.

Especially when you try so hard to keep it. But then again they do say that if you love something enough to let it go then it will come back. I never did like the whole sappy love thing but lately I have been falling for it.

Why’d I change my mind?

Because he made me.

I would never for get that night we had met. I was in my pajamas slightly hung over and hyped up on a can of Monster. He says I looked perfect but I disagree. We fought over the box of Twinkies for five minutes, long story short. I lost he gave me six in the box, left more in my mailbox everyday and the rest, as they say, is history.

The story starts out September 23, 2007 (to be exact two days before So Wrong It’s Right came out) Enjoy the sequel to You Are The Cream Filling In My Twinkies