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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 11- Hostile Towards You (This Shit Is Too Complicated)

The night had been going better than I thought it would. Janice and Casey liked Martin, but Casey was still determined for me to go back to Jack. Janice thought he was a good guy so she had decided to leave everything alone, and insisted Casey should too knowing I wasn't going back to Jack anytime soon.

"Can I have a ginger ale? I asked. Even though I was aloud to drink and sometimes I did I chose not to.

"So how long were we broken up when you started to date Martin?" I heard Jack behind me.

I rolled my eyes knowing my night was ruined. "Two weeks. How many girls did you sleep with when we broke up Jack?"

"Uh how about none if your business." He shot back.

"Why are you being an asshole? I haven't done anything to you. I haven't even spoken to you in a month."

"'Oh let's just be friends after all we were only engaged, no problem right?'" He mocked. "That's my problem. It's not like you care though anyway."

"Now I'm the bad guy?"

"Yeah you are now that I think about it."

"Whatever. I'm done with you. I've wasted to much time hung up over you."

"I've wasted more." He spat back.

We both glared at each other but my attention went to Martin who was coming over.

"Hey." He said kissing my cheek.

I stiffened a little knowing he didn't know Jack and I were together.

"You two know each other?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said saying nothing more. "We're done talking now." I said getting my drink and getting ready to walk away.

"Okay?" He said sensing something was wrong as I walked ahead of him.

I'll admit it would be screwed up to get engaged and break it off and say you want to be friends. And sure it's normal to be hostile for a while, but Jack wasn't hostile, he was hurt. He wasn't going to show or say anything but the more he tried not to, the more it showed. But the more he hid it the more I could see it.

Everybody says breaking up was always hard to do. That was bull shit. Getting over it was the hard part…
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the somewhat suckish chapter. And also sorry for the lack in updates. I've been busy and computerless so I've been writting on my iPod and I had to wait to edit and crap so yeah. As I speak right at this moment I am working on the next chapter and another one and another after that so you will get 4 new chapters after this one to make up for me being slow.