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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 15- Grad Party

When Janice and I had met back with everybody else, Jack, Alex and Zack were missing from the group.

“Oh goodness it’s the smart people. Beware they have degrees!” Casey laughed hugging us.

“Yeah, we kick ass with our knowledge.” Janice said.

“Hey, pictures now.” Casey demanded.

Janice and I groaned as Casey put our caps back on our heads and pushed us together. “Flash ‘em girls.” Casey said holding the camera.

“I hope you mean the degrees…” Martin said. “Because Jerry, is mine.”

We all laughed and Casey snapped the picture. “Ok, now degrees.”

Janice and I swapped our degrees. She held mine with a cheesy smile and a thumbs up while I did a cheesy smile and a thumbs down.

“Where is everybody else?” I asked as Martin held my hand and we started to walk to the car.

“They had to do something, they’ll meet up with us later.” Rian explained.

Janice and I just shrugged as we got into the car.

“Oh yeah put these on.” Casey said throwing blindfolds at us.


“No questions, just do it.” Rian said.

Janice and I sighed, put the blindfolds on and Rian drove to where ever they were taking us.


“Surprise!” Janice and I heard when we walked into our apartment that had been decked out explaining where the guys had disappeared to.

“Thanks guys.” Janice and I laughed.

I looked around and saw a bunch of our friends, and the girl/whore who was sitting next to Jack.

True, it’s mean to call her a whore when I had no idea who she is but she looked like a complete… whore. There was no way to explain it. She had a short tight dress on, with heels that were probably one size too small, caked on make up, fake eye lashes and she was orange of all colors.

The thing was, I had no idea who she was.


I tired to enjoy the party but I couldn't because of that girl I had seen sitting by Jack at graduation. I didn't know her so why was she here?

"You ok?" Martin asked giving me a cup of soda.

"Yeah it's just... Ok you see that girl, the one over there?" I asked pointing over by one of our friends.

"Uh yeah. Why?"

"Because I have no idea why she was here or at my graduation." explained.

"Do you know her?" He asked.

"That's the thing. I have no clue who she is." I said tensing a little.

I had always had a pet peeve of having somebody in a party I threw or had thrown for me, and I didn't know who the person was.

"Well go ask then." He laughed.

I sighed a little and headed over to her. As I got closer she smiled and said. "Hi, Jerry."

She knew my name?

I laughed a little unsure. "Hi."

"Oh don't tell me you don't remember me. It's me Mary Ann."

Mini skirt Mary Ann! The same Mary Ann that had distracted Jack when they were panting Bradley Anderson’s car and Jack had forgotten to get rid of the empty paint bottles.

Damn, she looked more like a whore than she did in high school.

"Oh, hi Mary Ann." I said a she hugged me. "What are you doing here?"

"She's with me." Jack said from behind me.

He would do something like that. "Yeah, he wouldn't have been if you would have kept him from me." She giggled.

"Oh yeah. Wouldn't want to be selfish." I said sarcastically.

He-he hell.

"It's ok Jerr. I don't blame you for stealing him from the world."

Every time she spoke it made me want to throw up. And it was pretty easy to see that Jack didn't give a damn about her.

"So how long have you been with Michael?" She asked.

"Martin. And eight months." I said.

"Oh. I surprised you guys are lasting that long." Jack smirked evilly.

"You know I have to go look for somebody, so I'll talk to you two later." I said leaving.

I had to get away from the party before I punched somebody (preferably Jack) in the face. As I half stormed out back into one of the rooms I saw Janice and Casey following me.

I out walked them and slammed the door to the room as I began to pace around.

"Jerry?" Casey asked opening the door.

"He brought that fucking whore to my graduation and thinks it's ok. Stupid fake boobs, and eye lashes and tan and fingernails. Hell! Fucking contacts!" I ranted on as I paced.

"You know what, why am I pissed off about this. I have Martin. And you know he isn't an obnoxious asshole like some people." I nodded to them getting ready to leave but being stopped by Casey.

"Jerry, maybe you are pissed off because you still have some feelings for him." Casey suggested.

"I have no feelings for him. Only Martin." I declared.

What was going on? Lately it was almost like everything had to do with trying to make me say something that wasn't true. I had absolutely no feelings for Jack anymore. I was over everything and I wasn't denying it just to cover it up.

"Are you sure? You're probably-"

"Stop!" I snapped. "I don't know what sick message the world is sending me or what you guys are pushing for but I'm tired of it. I'm happy where I am an I don't need him. At all! I have no feelings, no emotions, nothing. It's gone.". I snapped again.

Janice and Casey stayed quiet. I let out a heavy breath. "I need air." With that said I stormed back out of the party and out side. Then to the elevator to the roof.
♠ ♠ ♠
Told you I was going to make it good

Jerry's Dress