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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 17- Mistake

I raced out of the elevator but Jack stayed in there as it went back down. I walked into the apartment and I was bombarded with where the hell have you been or what happened and of course the are you okays.

"Shh!" I said silencing everybody.

Everyone stayed quiet and I went into the kitchen, grabbed the new six pack of Heinekens from the party and went into my room closing the door leaving everybody in silence.


I lay in my bed still in my dress and still drinking while I watched The Three Stooges.

I saw my door crack but didn't move or anything.

"Jerry?" Zack asked walking in.

"She's drunk at the moment leave a message at the beep. Beep." I said drinking more.

"What's wrong? It's one in the morning and you are acting all strange."

"What's strange about me?" I said getting sad.

"It's just... Look we all know you don't drink unless something is wrong. And this is beyond your norm." He said glancing at the five empty cans and the sixth in my hand as he sat on the bed.

"If I told you something you have to promise to not say a word to anybody and I mean if you do I will hunt you down and kill you." I said half realizing I needed somebody to talk to.

"Ok, I promise."

I groaned and put my face in my pillow. "Jack kissed me and I kissed back." I said it came out as gibberish.

"Oh. Uh... Oh." He said not knowing what to say.

"I know. Hey can you get me some more beer?" I asked nicely changing the subject.

"No you've had enough." He said. "Look, give me this..." He said taking my half empty can. "And get some sleep." He added cutting the tv off.

"Ok." I sighed throwing my blanket over my head.

"Good night Jerr." He sighed before walking out.

It didn't take much for me to go to sleep. After ten minutes I had fallen asleep.


After two days of not answering Martin's calls I finally got the courage to answer him.

"Hi." I said in a quiet voice.

"Hey, Jerr-"

"Can you come over. I'd rather talk in person." I said cutting him off.

He sighed. "Ok. I'll be over in fifteen." He promised.

"Ok." I said before we hung up.

I knew what the conversation was going to be about and I knew he was upset. And I'd rather talk to him face to face.

Luckily since Janice had already left to Maryland and Casey and the guys had gone out, I didn't have to worry about anybody.

Of course fifteen minutes later I heard somebody knock on my door.

"Hi." I said again in the same tone I did over the phone as he walked in.

"Hey. I guess talking in person is better." He said trying to lighten things up.

"Yeah. Martin, I'm sorry. I- I... I don't react all that great when anybody says they love me." I explained.

"It's ok."

"It's not ok. I feel like a bitch for doing that and I feel the same but I can't say it and I made-" I was cut off by him kissing me.

"As cute and funny you are when you overanalyze something, I want you to stop." He laughed.

I scrunched my face and he kissed my nose. So far everything had gone back to the way it should have been.


A few minutes after Martin had left and I had gotten comfortable on my couch, the doorbell had ringed. I got up answered the door and saw Jack standing there with his fists shoved in his hoodie pockets.

“Can we talk?” He asked sad yet hopeful that I would say yes.

“Um yeah, come in.” I said opening the door wider for him. “I thought you were with the guys?” I asked.

But then again since he was the only one who decided to stay at a hotel while everybody else stayed here, I had no idea where he was.

“Yeah, I was. I just wanted to come over here first.”

I folded my arms and nodded as silence filled the room for a minute.

“Look, about the other day-.”

“Can we just forget about it?” I asked.

He sighed and stayed quiet before sighing again. “I can’t. Jerry, I just can’t.”

Oh great, things are going to be fucked up again.

“It’s not easy to forget that kiss.”

You kissed me.” I reminded him.

“Yeah but you kissed back. And on top of that, Jerry, you said you still loved me and I told you the same thing.” He reminded me.

“I was drunk!”

“That’s beside the point. You tell the truth when you are drunk. And I know you Jerry, I can read you like a book… I didn’t come here to fight, just to talk.”
“We are talking.” I said.

“But it’s getting close to a fight. I’m tired of losing you. I miss you and I need you back. I don’t care if you are with Martin or not, I need you Jerry.”

“Jack I can’t.” I shrugged trying not to hurt him.

He moved closer to me. “Yes.” When he said that he kissed me and after said. “You can.” Then kissing me again.

If only it stopped from there…
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I realized I fucked up my plot in two chapters so I need you to forget that those happened because I can't think of how to re write that part and what I was originally going to do was semi very important.

Instead if Jerry working for Fueled By Ramen she is going to work for another record label in LA. Yeah you may not see that as an important part but trust me it is.

So forget that she's working in New York, it never happened. When she went to LA
drying the story she had gotten an interview blah, blah you know the process.

So yeah, this is my fault and I just half explained the next chapter to you so thats a freebee so yeah.

But don't assume things...
