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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 20- Drastically

Three Months Later (June 2008)

Three months of "The New Jerry" and apparently everybody was ok with it. Even Jack. About the same week I had gotten into my apartment I had explained to him I didn't want anything more than being friends. Yeah he was a little sad about that but he accepted it. According to him it was better than not having me at all.

So after that things had gone back to us being friends. Not as close as we were before but we were still friends.

Janice was loving getting closer to what she wanted to do even if she was still stuck in grad school in Maryland.

Casey and Rian had broken up a couple weeks ago without hard feelings or anything. And if you didn't know them and you had only seen them you wouldn't think they had anything. But then again that was the way both of them were.

"Jerr, I have something that may help you." Jack said coming into my apartment a few minutes after I had gotten home from work.

"And that is?"

"Ok there is this band playing at Shocks And Ave tomorrow night and I think you should come check them out. They are pretty good." He said stealing a grape from me.

"What do they sound like?" I asked.

"Hmm... I can't think of a certain sound for them but it fits your label." He shrugged still eating my fruit.

"I guess that's a good enough reason. I'll go. What time is the show?"

"8 but I want to go with you." He said.

"Don't you guys have a show at The Soap Room though?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I can go before and have time to make the show since it's at 10." He explained getting comfortable on my couch.

"Oh okay." I nodded sitting on the floor.

"What's wrong with the couch?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said eating a grape and cutting on the tv. "I just like the floor."

He arched an eyebrow. "You special, special child." He shook his head.

"Says the one who rode in the kid car with Alex at the store a few days ago. And the same one who went around Disney world yelling mom." I scoffed.

"I'm not the one who had to think about what stfu meant."

"I don't speak text language. I-"

"Type the word out. I know. You and your stupid iPhone." He rolled his eyes.

"You have one too dumbass."

"And? That's beside the point." He said with a straight face.

I laughed. That was a good thing about us being friends. We joked more than we would being together.

"So what are we doing next week?" I asked referring to his birthday.

"You and my hoes are going to throw me a sexy party." He said flipping the channel.

"I'm not your hoe." I said hitting his leg.

"I know. You’re my main hoe." He smiled.

"Wow." I laughed.

"It's ok, you don't have to say you like I out loud. What's for dinner?"

"You came over here for that?" I asked.


"I was going to Panera tonight. I'm not making anything." I said.

"Oh goody let's go." He said helping me up and guiding me out.

"Let me get my shoes." I laughed.


“Hey you know what I was thinking about?” Jack asked as he drove back.

“What? Twinkies?” I joked.

“No, but that does sound good right now. But I was thinking that we should do another BFFO.” He smiled.

“Ha, remember the watermelon toss?” I laughed.

“Yeah, when Alex and I had gotten further back and I hurled the watermelon he screamed like a girl.” Jack laughed.

“Yeah, and Zack stood there and said-.”

“You little bitch.” We both finished at the same time.

“But you couldn’t blame him, he had a watermelon aimed at his head.” I said.

“Yeah, but you and Casey were that far back and you caught it with no problem.” He pointed out still laughing .

I thought about it, we used full size watermelons that were light enough to throw. And it was pretty funny watching Alex scream for a second and then run behind Zack.

“And we should also do the amazing race again.” I said.

“We are defiantly doing another BFFO this month, hey we can do that for my birthday.”

“Are you sure? That’s not really a way to celebrate a birthday.” I said a little unsure.

“I think it is, so let’s do it.”

At least things hadn’t changed drastically.
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Ok so yeah, comment and hey maybe there will be another update because I got home from work early and on top of that (since I'm not going to work tomorrow) I may do some more, so yeah.