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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 22: BFFO

I ran to the right running for a ball Alex had thrown my way as Jack pegged Casey for her third time getting her out.

Zack blew the whistle for calling time for this round as the guys yelled oh at the fact I was the only one left.

"Get em Jerry." Mitch, the lead singer in one of the bands (Meniscus) I signed, cheered.

After a few seconds Zack blew the whistle again for us to start and as soon as we did Jack thew a ball but I ha caught it getting him out and causing everybody to yell.

Alex and I got in face off mode. We both wiggled one hand and held a ball in another.

"Go ahead, toss it." Alex threatened.

"You first." I said.

He arched an eyebrow and it went quiet for thirty seconds before we both threw the ball and mine hit him while dodged his. All of the guys cheered and yelled as all 10 of them hoisted me into the air along with Casey declaring our win in the BFFO's again.

"Boo!" Jack yelled following us as we got carried out of the gym.

"You know this was expected right?" Rian laughed when we had gotten into the parking lot.

"Whatever.” Alex said shoving him.

“I’m hungry, let’s change and go to Lucky’s.” I said.

Lucky’s was a bar and restaurant that we normally went to if we weren’t anywhere else. It was the equivalent to Damon’s Burger Hut in Maryland for us. Like we did there we had a bunch of memories. Most likely it was time for another one.


"All right." Zack said chewing his food and getting up holding his drink. "Since Jerry and Casey have, once again, won the BFFO they have the honor of picking something for Alex and Jack to do."

I looked at Casey and we had our eye contact talk. "Ask us on Friday." I said as Casey snickered at an idea she had just gotten.

"Oh god." Alex sighed shaking his head. "But hey, it can't be that bad. Jack wears booty shorts when we play sometimes." He shrugged knowing they always made fools of themselves. But they never did like taking themselves seriously.

"Yeah I know, there is a picture of his ass on the Internet in his get low shorts." Harry, one if our other friends laughed.

Jack gave us a cheesy childish smile making us laugh. As we did I felt my phone buzz.

Jack: We have to talk later

I looked up and gave him a confused look and he just nodded and gave me a you'll see look in return. Just as I could with Casey, Jack and I communicated with eye contact. I don't know how we did it but we could.

I really didn't want to have to wait so I typed back.

Me: About what?
Jack: Last night. We can talk later.
Me: No, now.

After he had gotten it he nodded for me to get up and follow him outside.

"Where are you going?" Casey asked.

"We'll be back." Jack said as we walked away from the table.

"What did we need to talk about?" I asked as we walked out the back way where nobody was.

"The other night." He sighed. "I can't do this anymore. I love being your friend but I can't be your friend when I want more and when I know we had more, Jerry. I can't do that."

"I know." I sighed. "I can't either." I admitted.

"So what does this mean?" He asked.

What did it mean? Were we together again? Were we still friends?

"I don't know honestly. I want more but like I said I don't know."

"Same. Well hey I got my dysfunction." He said.

I laughed. "Yeah."

"Can I have more? Only this time we stay together?" He asked moving closer to me.

"Hmm I'm not quiet sure." I said getting closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll help you then." He said giving me a kiss.

"I knew it!" A bunch of people cried at the same time.

"Oh great." Jack muttered.

"Took you long enough." Alex said happy.

"Yay no more denial." Zack clapped like a seal.

"Does this mean you're getting married again?" Casey asked.

Jack and I looked at each other. "Does it?" He muttered hopeful.

"You haven't asked." I smiled.

"I'm taking that as a yes." He said kissing me again.
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