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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 23- Jack's Way

“So when is the wedding?” Alex asked while we were sitting at his house doing nothing.

At the same time I had said there was no wedding Jack had said we haven’t set a date. Both of us looked at each other confused while Rian laughed a little.

“What?” Casey asked confused.

“What do you mean no wedding?” Jack asked just as confused.

I shrugged. “I’ve thought about it for a while. I never really did actually.” I admitted.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing, I just don’t want one. Why, do you want one?” I asked.

“Call me gay, but quiet honestly yes, I do want a wedding.” He said. “And you know what we are having one.”

“No, we aren’t.” I said.

We both got a little frustrated and got up. “I don’t get what do you have against it.”

“I have nothing against it Jack. I just feel like it’s almost a waste of time.” I explained. “And it’s also going to make me feel like I’m proving that I love you and I hate doing that.”

“You aren’t proving anything.”

“There is still no point in having one.” I said.

“Yes there is.” He argued.

“Is not.”

“Are too.”

We did the whole bickering back in fourth in a childish manor for two minutes. As we went back in fourth everybody turned at who was speaking. Until Rian stopped everything.

“Hey, hey.” He started but we ignored him and kept arguing. “Shut the fuck up and listen!” He said tired of us.

We finally got quiet after Rian shut us up. “How about you guys either talk about this or settle it in a different way.” He said.

“Talking isn’t working.” I scoffed.

“Exactly, so what are you suggesting?” Jack asked as I stood with my arms folded and he had his hands on his hips.

“Rock, paper, scissors. Best two out of three.” He said.

Rock, paper, scissors for a wedding? That seemed like something we would do (something stupid to settle a life relating event).

Jack and I sighed and looked at each other then started to play. The first time he threw out rock while I threw out paper.

“Fuck.” He muttered before we started again.

The next round I threw out paper again and he had scissors. And after I threw scissors while he threw a rock.

A smiled crept up on his face as we held out the rock and scissors. “Bite me.” I told him putting my hand down. He laughed a little and gave me a hug.

“I’m not going to make you suffer.” He promised kissing my head.

“Yay! A wedding.” Casey said happily. “Dibs on planning.” She called.

I rolled my eyes. I was going to be in hell.


"Ok, what flowers do you want?" Casey asked another question as we sat on my
bed. "Orchids or roses?"

"Orchids look, Casey, can we take a break from this please?" I asked tired of hearing about a wedding I had no desire for.

"Ok but we are going right back to this." She said closing her book. "But what we can talk about is my niece I'm getting."

"Casey, I'm not pregnant and what if you don't get a niece?" I said giving her a possibility.

"I'm pretty sure I'm going to get one. I'm pretty sure Jack can only give you girls anyway." She joked. "Even his sperm isn't that manly."

"Ok Casey enough." I laughed hitting her with a pillow.

"Jerry?" I heard Jack call.

"She's in here saying you can only reproduce girls!" Casey called before I hit her with pillow again.

"That's her, not me." I said as he walked in and gave me a kiss.

"I know. Only Casey, would be concerned about that. Why are you here anyway?"

Casey didn't say anything and held up her planner. "Oh. Well you can go I have to talk to Jerry."

"Gees you talk to me like I'm a slave." She said getting up.

"No you aren't a slave. You're just unwanted right now." I corrected.

"Gee thanks." She said leaving.

Jack and I laughed at Casey when the door was closed. We both knew how much of a drama queen she was. When we were done laughing Jack climbed on top of me and started to kiss my neck.

"Is this what you wanted to talk about?" I laughed.

He laughed and hovered over me. "Now that I think about it a little but no."

I pushed him off gently. "Then what?"

"There is a tour. It's not forever but it's a tour."

"How long?" I arched an eyebrow at his definition of not long.

"Four months. But that's only because we are going to be out of the country."

I rolled my eyes. His qualification of long was five months and on top of that he was going out of the country.

"When are you leaving?" I sighed.

"Two days after we come back from France." He smiled uneasily.

We were getting married next month and we were only going to be there for two weeks.


"I'm sorry." He said quickly knowing I was mad at him.

Then I thought about something. "How long have you known?"

"Um..." He started not wanting to say when. "What's for dinner?" He said getting

"Jack Bassam Barakat! You've known for a while haven't you!" I said following him into the kitchen

"Just since Monday." He shrugged.

"It's Sunday Jack." I reminded him still upset that he’s telling me now and that it’s two days after we get back.

“I love you.” He said trying to get out of it.

“Not going to work.” I said tapping my finger.

“Jerr, don’t be mad.” He said putting his hands on my waist.

“I’m not mad. It’s just stuff like that is important and you shouldn’t have to wait to tell me.” I said looking him in the eyes.

“I know, and I am sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I didn’t know how to tell you that’s all it was.” He said kissing my head.

“I hate you.” I pouted because he had gotten to me.

“I love you too babe.” He laughed giving me a kiss.

And once again, Jack had managed to get his way.
♠ ♠ ♠
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