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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 27- Party, Party, Party, Let's Not Get Wasted

I sat at my computer looking up venues for next Saturday, along with that I was looking for catering (which was really a debate with Mac) and also along with that I was writing thank you cards from the wedding. While I was looking at a place a call invitation from Jack popped up.

“Finally, I can talk to you.” He laughed when I clicked accept.

“Yeah, while I work.” I sighed writing.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, I’m looking at venues for the labels fifteenth birthday party.” I said in a nasally annoyed tone. “Also while fighting with one of the guys from marketing about food and writing these.” I said holding up the thank you card.

“Sorry I left you to do that by yourself.” He apologized.

“Eh, whatever, it’s fine.” I sighed.

“You look tired, go to bed.” He urged.

“Not yet.” I yawned. “I still have some other stuff to finish.” I explained. “I still have to go through QVX’s album to see if everything sounds right.” I yawned again.

“Jerr, don’t kill yourself.” He said worried about me overworking.

“I’m not Jack, don’t worry. Soon things will lighten up, I promise.” I told him.

“I’ll make a deal with you, after the party, if I call or anything and you are past busy then I’m calling Terry, telling her some excuse and I’m going to fly you out where you cannot work or anything.” He said sternly.

“Ok.” I said not paying attention and he had seen that.

“I’m serious.”

“Ok, I know.”

It went quiet for a second with only the sound of my typing and the guys in the background.

“Go to bed.” Jack demanded after two minutes.

“I’m almost done.” I said.

“Geraldine Patricia Collins- Barakat.” He scolded using all four of my names.

“I’m done, gees. I’ll talk to you later since you want me to go to bed.” I muttered.

“Thank you, good night.”

“Good night.” I sighed.

“I love you.” He laughed.

“Love you too.” I muttered.


I was at the party and so far things had been going as planned. I hadn’t had a chance to do much besides make sure things were going good. I walked to the door and I saw two people starting to argue.

“Hey!” I said pushing them apart. “If you are going to fight then you have to do it somewhere but not here.” I said sternly ending the fight as both of the people (which I had no idea who they were) walked away.

I huffed before going back into the party. As I walked I was stopped by my drunken boss, well Terry at least.

“Jerry, this is a good party.” She slurred leaning on me as I took her vodka from her.

“Terry, I think you’ve had enough.” I said as I sat her down feeling my phone go off again.

“Thank you for being my friend Jerry.” She slurred before laying back.

I sighed and went to continue my rounds around the party.

“Jerry.” I heard Mac call as I checked a text from Jack.

Jack: Call me whenever you can

“What Mac?” I sighed not wanting to be irritated by him tonight.

That’s all he was, irritating. The worst part was that he knew he was doing it on purpose.

“Come sit down.” He urged.

“I can’t. Unlike you I want things to go the way they are supposed to so I can keep my job.” I said getting ready to walk but being stopped.

“Your job is fine. Terry and Kate are promoting you to VP anyway.” He shrugged.

“Right, whatever.” I said taking my hand from his grasp.

“It’s true, ask Terry. She’s drunk enough to tell you. Just come sit down for a while.” He urged again.

I huffed and went to the bar. “Can I have a ginger ale?” I asked the bartender.

“Make that two Hennesseys.” He said changing my order.

“Ginger ale.” I corrected glaring at Mac. “I don’t drink on the job.”

“Fuck the job Jerry. It’s ok to let lose.” He nudged.

“I know, I’d just rather not do that now.” I shrugged as I got my drink.

“I’ll let you get away this time, but next party you are getting alcohol.” He pointed.

“Sure.” I muttered drinking my drink.

“You look nice tonight by the way.” He added.

“Thank you.” I said.

“No, really nice.” He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

“Um I have to go.” I said quickly getting up.

As I walked away I texted Jack and told him to call me at one, which was most likely when everything would be over and he would most likely be up.

I did another huff as I walked away. Did he not realize I was married? Wait, wow I’m married. It’s weird to say in my head, well weird to say period even if I have been for three months (two of which Jack has not been here for).

It was eleven now and all I wanted was for one o’clock to come.


I walked back inside after Terry’s sister had come to get her and take her home. Terry was the last drunk person I had to worry about for the night so everybody else was either sober or had only a few drops to drink.

I found myself back in front of Mac as I walked.

“Excuse me.” I sighed.

“No wait, I just need to apologize.” He said stopping me by getting in my way.

“Accepted, can you please move?” I asked.

“I’m not done.”

“Look, Mac, if this is the whole I like you thing or whatever, I’m married and I’m sorry nothing is going to-.” I was cut off by a brief kiss.

“That’s it. And yes I know nothing is going to happen.” He sighed getting out of my way.

I stood frozen as Mac walked away and my phone vibrated in my had telling me Jack was calling.
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Jerry's Outfit

For those who wanted more drama....