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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 28- Sleep

I heard the phone ring (again) while I was asleep. It was Saturday, I had no work to do or no where to go so I was lying in bed the whole day. The ringing stopped and I tried to go back to sleep, but the ringing started back up. I turned my head and groaned as I looked at the phone and grabbed it.

“Hello?” I asked still half asleep.

“Wake up.” Jack laughed.

“How about I not.”

“Well you are since you didn’t answer my call last night. I take it the party was that good.” He said.

I groaned remembering almost every detail of last night. Co-workers with crushes, drunk bosses, press people with anger issues.

“Not really.” I sighed. “Can I please go back to sleep Jack?” I asked.

“No, talk to me or we are getting a divorce.” He demanded.

“Fine. Where are you?” I asked.

“Toronto.” He said. “We are going to New York tomorrow.” He explained.

“Ok, I’m staying her in the bed. Can I sleep now?” I asked.

“No Jerry. I haven’t forgotten about our deal.” He sang.

“What does me sleeping have to do with the deal?” I asked yawning.

“Nothing, I’m just reminding you.” He said. Then I could tell he was bored and he was only calling to annoy me.

“Jack?” I asked.


“Go find something to do.” I sighed really wanting to sleep.

“I can’t.”

“Jack, I am begging you to find something and let me sleep.” I said in a tone letting him know that I would kill him when he got back.

“Whatever, go back to sleep.” He sighed.

“Thank you.” I said getting ready to hang up. “Love you.” I laughed.

“Love you too.” He mumbled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shortness