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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 3- I'm ***ing Crazy

I laughed a little as I saw Jack holding a girl toddlers hand as she laughed when a few drops of water from the beach hit her faces as the waves crashed. More waves came making the little girl jump and run towards me calling Mommy.

She looked like a smaller version of Jack and I. Her hair was dark brown along with her eyes and she had a small button like nose. She must have been our daughter.

I laughed and scooped her up as Jack followed behind.

“The water hit my face mommy.” She said as I whipped the small droplets off her face.

“I see.” I laughed.

“Wanna go back out Ronnie?” Jack asked.

The little girl, whose name must have been Ronnie, shook her head no then held on to me and lay down on my shoulder.

“I think she’s getting sleepy.” I said holding her closer.

“Ok then let’s go.” He suggested picking up a bag.

I opened my eyes slowly. I stayed in my position and looked at the wall for a second, then looking at the clock, which said it was two in the morning.

The last time I had looked at the clock it was 10:30. I had thought about what I was doing, and then I remembered that a few hours ago Jack and I had broken up.

Just to be sure that everything was a dream, I turned around hoping he was there but there was nothing. His spot was untouched and cold.

Laid down and tried to go to sleep. I stared at the fan and as it circled my eyes followed, but not enough to make me dizzy.

I couldn't go back to sleep so I slid out of bed, put some jeans, a tank top and a jacket along with my converses and decided to go out for a walk.

I walked out of my room silently trying not to wake everybody up.

When I got outside I put my headphones in, blasted my music then started to walk. I didn't know where I was going I just needed to clear my head.

Sure, walking the streets of New York at two thirty in the morning was crazy but I needed it.

Hell I am crazy. Crazy people run away from love. Crazy people tell the person the were going to marry that they should be friends. Crazy people hide things from the ones they love.

And I had done all of the above. I didn't need a shrink or anybody else to explain to me how fucking insane I am.

The even crazier part about all of this was that I wasn't going to fix anything.
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Short chapter yes I know. But it's just a tinny little filler. But I promise you this is going to get good.