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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 30- Don't Say A Word

“He wore a cape?” I asked Casey while I helped her set up the tent as she told me about one of the many stories they had.

“Yeah and he walked around eating a bag of chips.” She nodded. “But hey, it’s your husband.” She teased.

“Yeah I know.”

“Hey Casey.” Somebody said coming up to the tent.

“Hi Cassadee, oh Jerry, this is Cassadee, she sings with Hey Monday and Jerry is Jack’s wife.” She said as we shook hands.

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled even if something didn’t feel right about her.

“You too, I’ve heard so much about you.” She nodded.

“I can’t say the same.” I said putting it as nicely as I could.

“Oh, well ok. I guess I’ll see you around.” She said before walking off.

“Ok.” I smiled.

As she got further the smile faded and I turned to Casey. “I don’t like her.”

“Yeah I know. She try’s not to be a bitch but she really is.” She nodded.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah.” She nodded again. “But oh well enough about her, are you pregnant yet?” She asked.

I laughed. “Casey…”

“Ok, I’ll stop.” She said putting her hands up in defense as she slid a box under the table.

I laughed and shook my head.


“Alex, have you seen Jack?” I asked.

“Actually, no I haven’t.” He said realizing that he hadn’t seen Jack in a while.

I sighed and went off of the bus to look for him. I had asked who I could and once again nobody had known where he was. I saw Nick (their manager) and decided to ask him since he had always known where everyone was.

“Nick, I’ve lost my husband can you tell me where he is?” I asked him.

“I don’t know.” He shrugged.

That was a first. He always knew where they were, yeah it was his job but sometimes it was kind of scary. I sighed and continued to look for Jack. After looking in the parking lot I heard faint talking and I just followed. Soon the talking ended and I saw Cassadee and Jack… Kissing.

He didn’t see me because his back was turned. He pulled away and turned around but stopped when he had saw me.


“Don’t.” I stopped him before walking away.

I sighed. I wasn’t going to cry and I wasn’t that mad because it would be hypocritical, right? I just needed to clear my head and sit down on the bus.

“What’s up with you?” Alex asked when he saw something was wrong.

“I just saw Jack and Cassadee kissing but I just really need to clear my head.” I sighed .

“Oh um.” Zack said as if there was more.

“What?” I asked seeing all of the guys have the same ‘there is more facial expression’.

“Wait don’t tell that this has been going on for a while.” I said.

“Jerr, it’s not like that-“

“Then what way is it like then?”

“He told us she had been making passes at him but at first we didn’t believe it.” Zack started to explain.

“Yeah, and he’s told her to stop but she didn’t.” Rian finished.

“Ok, then why didn’t anybody tell me?” I folded my arms.

“…He said not to…” Alex explained trying to cover for his best friend, which wasn’t going to great.

I didn’t say anything and headed into the back. He never told me anything, and it wasn’t just with this, it was with everything. He always hid stuff from me and I seriously did not like any part of that. No matter what we were, friends, dating, married, he never told me anything.

And like many other things…

I was sick of it.
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Yeah it's ok, not my best but whatever. Updates are going to be very slow because I am cutting my internet off for personal reasons so sorry. But I will continue to write, I'm just on a hiatus for now