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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 31- Enlightment

Two days after the whole incident and I had refused to talk to Jack. He didn't want to tell me anything then I didn't want to or have to say anything to him. When I had gotten on the plane I hugged everybody but didn't touch him. Yeah, sure a part of me felt bad but the other part didn't give a shit.

I woke up on two Monday mornings later feeling nauseous and dizzy. I sat up slowly and felt the urge to throw up so I ran into the bathroom and did just that. After five minutes I had felt like I was done and dragged myself to get ready for work, which of course I had no desire to go to after the way I was feeling.


I lay with my head buried in my arms on my desk. I had gone to bed at 7 last night but I didn't get why I was so burned out.

"Jerry?" I heard somebody ask making me snap up.

"Wha?" I asked seeing Terry with an worried expression on her face.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I yawned pushing my hair back. "I'm fine." I said again.

"Are you sure? There is a meeting and I don't want you to pass out." She said as I got my stuff ready for that meeting.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not going to pass out." I laughed getting up.

"Whatever you say." Terry muttered leaving my office with me behind her.

Before I headed to the meeting I made a stop to the bathroom and after the vending machine.


As I walked to the meeting room and finished my cookies I smelt one of the worst smelling smells ever which made me feel the same way I did this morning.

I ignored the feeling, threw my empty bag in the trash and sat down next to Jamie.

"Are you ok? You look pale." She asked as I sat down.

"Yeah." I gulped. "I'm fine."

"You sure?" She asked and I only nodded.

"Ok guys this is Clive Tate and as you know he is the CEO." Terry introduced as he stood up.

He was in a bad place because it was by the AC and his horrible smelling cologne blew my way making me feel sicker.

I stood up as he was speaking making him stop and everybody look at me.

"Yes Jerry?"

"Excuse me." I said before leaving.

I wasn't going to make it to the bathroom so I turned into Liz's desk.

"I am so sorry." I said unable to hold it back anymore as I threw up in the trash can having everybody look at me as I did.


As I thought (more of knew), positive. Jack had gotten me pregnant and after kissed somebody else. What a way to say I love you or tell somebody what went on when your baby was conceived.

Just as I threw the test in the trash the phone rang telling me Jack was calling.

"Hello?" I sighed.

"Jerry, we need to talk. You can't ignore me forever." He said.

"I answered the phone didn't I? Actually, honestly, I really don't want to talk to you right now." I said.

"Please just sixty seconds." He said.

"Sixty..." I started as I rolled my eyes.

"I promise that was not me."

"Well it sure as he'll wasn't you're twin." I cut him off.

I know and I mean it was me but it wasn't my fault. It was her."

"You really don't know why I'm mad do you?" I laughed in disbelief.

It was predictable of him to not know that.

"No but would you enlighten me to why you have spoken to me in three weeks if you weren't mad about that?" He asked.

"Don't get snappy with me Barakat." I said letting him know how pissed off at him I was.

"I'm not Jerr, just explain what I did wrong." He said knowing I only called him by his (or our) last name.

"I'm not mad that she kissed you, I'm mad because you don't tell me anything and you keep me in the dark and tell everybody else to do the same." I explained to him.

"I'm sorry, I knew you would be upset." He said.

"You never asked so how would you know?"

"You are right and I promise you I am sorry. I won't do it."

"You say that every time." I reminded him still a little upset.

"I know and I promise I won't do it. I swear." He pleaded. "I seriously can't take having you mad at me."

I hated how easily I always gave into him. It was annoying and I felt weak when I did.

I sighed. "You better not." I said.

"I won't. I love you too much." He said as I heard his smile.

"Jack, one more thing." I said.


I sighed trying to think of how to say it the right way. Say it slow? Change the subject? Spit it out? I'll go with that last one.

"I'm pregnant." I said quickly.

After I had said it I heard the phone drop and a few seconds later Nick and Alex asking what was wrong and why was he frozen.

"No reason." I heard in the background. "Hold on." He said.

I sighed and heard a door close. "Ok please repeat what you just said."

"I'm pregnant Jack." I sighed once again.

"Holy shit." He said as if something was wrong.


"I'm going to be a dad." He said plopping on the couch. "Jerry, I'm going to be a dad and I can't even handle my own life from time to time." He sighed. "I'm happy but I don't know." He admitted.

"You are going to do just fine." I reassured.

It was sinking into him and he was starting to think about things.

"I don't know if I will. I know I just found out but honestly, I'm scared shitless."

And he really was. I didn't have to look at him or be in the same room. It was all in his voice.

"Jack, I am too but trust me, we can do this. I promise."

He sighed. "Do you want me to tell everybody or wait." He asked.

"Put me on speaker." I said as he started to walk.

"Hey fuck faces, Jerry, wants to tell you something." He said making me laugh as
he got their attention.

"Guys you got your wish." I told them.

"What wish?" Zack asked as everybody started to ask.

Casey squealed. "She's pregnant!"

"Seriously?" Alex asked.

"Yeah." Jack said. "Casey is jumping up and down right now." He told me.

"I wouldn't doubt it." I laughed. "I'll talk to you later Jack." I said.

"Yes! Go do what pregnant people do!" Casey said.

"Bye, love you and be careful." Jack said ignoring Casey.

"Love you too." I said.

"See you next week." He said before we hung up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah I lied about the hiatus (well here at least on my other stuff I'm ignoring it) but its because I just want to finish the story.

Since I Love You Guys