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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 32- Month Three

“Jerry?” I heard Jack call as the door closed.

I jumped out of the bed and ran to him as he laughed and caught me. “Be careful.” He laughed giving me a kiss.

“Don’t worry I’m fine.” I laughed.

“But still, I don’t want either one of you to get hurt.” He smiled blushing.

“Don’t be embarrassed.” I laughed making him look up and giving him a kiss.

“I know, it just doesn’t feel real yet.” He shrugged.

I gave him a kiss. “It will sink in.”

Two Months Later

“No, change that to next week.” I said over the phone as I sat in my office twirling a pen.

Failure to Fail was going to start recording an album instead of an LP like they had done a few months ago. So since another band was using the studio and there was a bunch of other stuff going on I changed the date. And as everybody had said, I had OCD when it came to scheduling.

Yeah, I was still very busy but a little pregnant and being told ‘Jerry slow down’ was very annoying. Like what I was getting now because Terry had just walked into my office as I hung up.

“Yes?” I asked hanging up the phone.

She arched her eyebrow with the face saying I knew what she was going to say. I groaned and sunk into my chair.

“Jerry, you still need to slow down.”

“I am only three months pregnant and you can barley tell.” I said.

Well, you could but I wasn’t going to admit that.

“I beg to differ. You almost threw a stapler Liz yesterday.” She pointed.

“I didn’t throw it, I merely almost stapled her hand.” I defended thinking about yesterday. I truthfully did not remember why I did that. I think it had something to do with her touching my stomach, something that was also very annoying and half of the time made me sick.

“But you still need to relax, you can’t over work yourself anymore.” She said sternly. “And if I have to, I’ll cut some of your hours and make you start your maternity leave early.”

I groaned. “Ok.”

“I’ll make Eli do QVX and Tahoma’s stuff for now.” She said before walking out. “I’m doing this for you Jerry.” She said peaking her head back in.

“I know.”

That’s why Terry was a good boss. When you worked for her, you didn’t just work for her, she considered you one of her children, well if you were in your twenties or thirties because she was forty three.


“I’m home.” I sighed coming into the house and going into the kitchen.

“Hey.” Jack said kissing my cheek. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked right off being able to see I was somewhat upset.

“Everybody is babying me again.” I muttered eating Pringles. “I’m not helpless, and I am capable of handling all of the bands I handled before.”

“Oh, well Jerry, It’s going to happen.” He shrugged. “What did you get less work?”

“Yeah. I like working but I want to work like a normal person. And on top of that every time I drop something or get ready to open a door somebody else comes and does it for me, I’m three months pregnant, not handicapped.” I started to rant.

“Everybody knows, they just want you to stay healthy, you can’t fault anybody for that.” He said.

“I’m not faulting anybody!” I said getting angry. Jack blinked afraid as he saw my mood swing. “Sorry.” I huffed.

“Um, ok. Why don’t you go lay down.” He suggested but I glared at him. “Or not.”

“I’m not going to lay down. I’m going to drive to Panera, because I can and because I’m hungry and 100% capable of doing it on my own.” I said slamming the door.

I was almost to the car but then I realized I didn’t get my purse, or keys. I sighed and turned back around opening the door to Jack holding my keys and purse knowing I was coming back. He opened his mouth to speak but I closed the door in his face.


I walked back into the house sipping my drink and heading to my room.

“Are you still mad?” Jack asked looking up from his computer.

“No, I never really was.”

“Right.” He nodded not believing me.

“I was frustrated, please do not argue with me.” I said getting ready to snap.

“Aww I’m sorry.” He said getting off the bed to hug me.

“I’m sure you are.” I said getting away from him to go into the bathroom.

“This is going to be a long six months.” He sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating, I had no internet where I was but there will be plenty tomorrow and tonight