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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 33- Month Six

Six Months

I sat lay in the bed typing out an email while Jack sat on the couch in the living room. As I pushed my glasses up he walked in going to his closet.

"I'm hungry." I told him hoping he was going to get food because I wasn't in the greatest mood today.

"I ordered a pizza. It should be here in five." As he said that the doorbell went off.

He didn't go to get it and kept going through his clothes in the closet as the doorbell rang again.

"Aren't you going to get it?" He called.

I huffed at him being an ass as I attempted to get off the bed. I got off and waddled holding my stomach and as I got half way there he raced past me. I stopped in my place and glared at him as he answered the door.

"What?" He asked turning around after he closed the door and got the pizza.

"You asshole."

He smiled knowing what he did and came over to hug me still holding the box of pizza. He tried to kiss me but I took the box and went back to our room.

"Get me the peanut butter." I called back.

He laughed and got the peanut butter and followed me back to the room.

"I'm sorry babe. I had to do it one time." He said handing me the jar and a spoon.

I snatched it and the spoon from him as I ate my pizza. "Whatever." I muttered.

"Aww." He said going to his side of the bed.

I ignored him and kept watching TV. He knew I wasn't going to talk to him so he moved closer to me wrapping his arm around me. "I must say you look really hot with my shorts on." He said referring to the fact that I was wearing his basketball shorts.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes as I continued to eat. "Kissing up will get you no where." I said.

"Foot massage?" He asked.


"Back rub? Snack run?" He tried.

"No, a fuck off would." I muttered.

"Gees somebody is agitated tonight." He said as if he were hurt.

"No shit. I'm caring 6 extra pounds, eating everything in sight, having everybody touch my stomach, my boobs hurt and I'm peeing like a waterfall. I'm going to be agitated Jack. Especially when I have three more months of this. And you aren't making it any better."

"Boob massage?" He tried.

I gave him a death glare making him run out of the room.


Another hour later after Jack had left had left the room I had gone from being a death machine to being extremely sad.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked coming into the room seeing me crying.

"I'm pregnant." I sobbed.

"Uh... Yeah. You have been for seven months."

"I'm not talking about that. I'm one of those hormonal pregnant people who rips everybody's head off." I said crying more.

"Shh it's ok." He said trying to comfort me.

"And my boobs hurt really, really bad." I sobbed more.

"Um... Well you go to the doctor tomorrow." He reassured trying to think of something to say.

"I don't want to see her though. I don't like her." I sobbed into his chest.

"Why not?"

"She told me I was pregnant." I cried even more.

"Jerry, it's ok." He comforted more.

I groaned at him being no help and I pushed him away so I could use the bathroom.


"I realized something.” Jack said when we had gotten home from the doctors and ice cream. Apparently next month we were going to find out what the baby was. Of course, everybody kept saying it was going to be a boy while I just said it’s my child.

“What?” I asked still eating.

“You are either crabby, depressed or annoyed. Rarely happy.” He laughed.

“I’m not always crabby and I am happy.” I frowned.

“You are?” He asked.

“Yes.” I said getting ready to cry. “Am I that bad?”

“No, no, no, no, you aren’t. Don’t listen to me. I’m a dumbass remember?” He said trying to get me to stop crying.

“No, you’re right. I’m horrible.” I sobbed sitting down. “And it’s not even my fault.”

“It isn’t your fault. And you aren’t horrible Jerry, just hormonal.” He said easily reminding me that I was told my hormones where high. I looked at him for a second and cried more before he hugged me.

“You don’t love me anymore.” I sobbed into his chest.

“What? Jerry, are you crazy?” He laughed. “Look.” He said getting me to look at him. “I love you no matter what. If you’re pregnant and hormonal or if you went bald.” He laughed a little making me smile a little also. “I love you and you will never have to worry about that.” He said whipping my face.

I gave him a kiss. “I’ll love you if you go bald too.”