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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 34- Brown Eyes, Baby Names, And Shirts (Month Seven)

Seven Months

"Valeria?" Jack said laying next to me and rubbing my stomach.

"Are you crazy? That sounds like a disease." I said turning the page of the book.

We were lying in the bed looking at a book of names. We hadn't found any girl names that we agreed on and then we were planning to look at boy names next.

"Move your finger." He laughed. "Veronica?" He asked looking at me when I turned my nose. "What?"

"That's what Casey, wanted as a name. I don't want to give her the satisfaction of thinking she named my child." I said flipping the page.

"Technically." He said giving me a kiss. "I named her. Well if it is a her, which it most likely be." He added.

"How about this, if it's a girl you name her and if it's a boy I name him." I suggested.

"Ok but I name his middle name and you name her middle name." He added.

"That will work." I said.

"What name did you have in mind, middle name?" He asked.

“Elane. It was my mom’s name.” I said as we kept looking at the book.

“First name?”

"I don't know. Elliot or Preston but I like Elliot better." I said flipping the pages.

"Preston, maybe, but Elliot?" He asked sounding a little disgusted.

"What's wrong with Elliot?"

"Our kid is going to sound like a fucking alien." He said.

I was trying to get him out of his language habits since we had to get used to having a baby around.

"Jack!" I said hitting his chest.

"I'm sorry Veronica!" He said loudly to my stomach.

I groaned and got out of the bed to go into the kitchen.

"Jerry." I heard him laugh behind me. After he had caught up with me he turned me around.

"You're such an ass." I muttered when he did turn me around.

"And I think the pig tails in your hair look cute." He said giving me a kiss. He was starting to think kissing up would get him places and truthfully it wouldn’t get him anywhere.

After I gave him an annoyed face. "Not working?"


"Jerry, I'm sorry. I was just messing around." He said.

"Jack, we can't mess around anymore." I explained to him. "It's not going to be the same anymore."

"I know Jerr. And I am going to try not to be an ass anymore." He promised thinking for a second. "Here, come sit for a second." He said sitting me on the arm of the couch as he went to the stereo.

"What are you doing?" I asked annoyed.

After I had asked him Clocks by Coldplay had come on I sighed and got up. "Good night Jack."

"No, come back." He laughed getting my hand and getting me to dance with him.

"We are just messing around for one more time." He said.

"Remember prom?" He asked reminding me when he had left his prom and came to mine and we had danced to the song.

"Yeah, Ally got mad because she thought you and I were dating." I laughed a little thinking about how Jack went around introducing himself as my boyfriend.

"Yeah well now we are married. And how you almost broke the ice sculpture."

"No that was you too." I said poking his chest.

"Ok maybe it was me too." He said kissing my finger.

After Clocks had gone off Green eyes had started to play and Jack sang along looking at me.

“Honey you are a rock, upon which I stand. And I come here to talk, I hope you understand. That brown eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you. And how could, anybody, deny you.” He said changing it to brown from green.

I laughed a little as he smiled and kept singing to me.

I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, now I’ve met you
And honey you should know, that I could never go on without you

Brown eyes

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

That brown eyes, you’re the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who, tried to deny you must be out of their mind

Cause I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, since I met you
Honey you should know, that I could never go on without you

Brown eyes
Brown eyes



Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand

“How did I get you again?” I asked as Warning Sign started.

“You got lucky and agreed to go out with me.” He reminded me as we kept dancing. “How did I get you?”

“I don’t know. I think it was because you kissed me.” I smiled

“True.” He said giving me a kiss.

And to think it was always going to be like this.


I lay on the table while Jack sat next to me as we waited for the doctor to come.

“Oh goodness.” Jack laughed while reading his phone.

“Alex, bought the baby a shirt.” He said showing me the picture.

It was a white one piece that said ‘If you think I’m cute you should see my uncle’. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“He’d find something like that.” I shook my head.

“Of course.” He laughed as the door opened.

“Good morning.” My read headed doctor smiled walking in.

“Good morning.”

“Ready to see your baby?” She asked washing her hands.

“Yes!” Jack said quickly making me laugh a little.

“Well lets get stated then.”

She squeezed the purple jell onto my stomach making me squirm a little because it was cold.

“Ok this is… your baby.” She said getting a picture of the baby on the screen.

I smiled seeing her for the first time. The brown image showed that she had Jack’s mouth and my nose. I looked over to Jack who was lost in the image and not looking anywhere else.

“T-t-t-that’s her?” He stammered almost speechless.

“How did you know it’s a girl?” The doctor laughed.

“I just do.” He said still dazed by the image.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok well there is like two more chapters and at the end I will have something for you so watch out for that possibly this week, and I have another story I'm working on It's right here and other than that I cannot think of anything else but This is the shirt Alex got

Oh and another thing, if you have a Coldplay obsession like meand you know A Blood Rush To The Head album you could see that I put Green Eyes after Clocks when it is really Clocks then Daylight then Green Eyes but I did not do that. This is really a fact that is a waste of time but I wanted to put this as a side note anyway just in case sorry for wasting your time with my OCD.