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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 35- Baby Shower (Month Eight)

Eight Months

Since the guys were going to LA for a bunch of interviews they had about their album which was coming out in a couple weeks, Casey had demanded that she would throw me a baby shower, so since she was doing this she had told mom, who insisted her and dad come to LA. Then the news got to Joyce, Joe and May who also came to LA.

"Good morning sweetie." Mom had said when I had come out of my room. This was one of the times I hated myself for giving Casey a spare key.

Mom and Dad were staying at Casey’s and Joyce, May and Joe were staying with me.

"Good morning." I yawned waddling to the kitchen and to the refrigerator.

"Ready for your baby shower?" Casey asked coming up behind me.

"No." I yawned again. "I just want to sleep." I said getting a bottle of water and going back into the room for more sleep.


"Jerry." I heard Casey call as she sat beside and tapped me.

"What?" I groaned from under the covers.

"People are starting to get here and it's 2 in the afternoon." May added.

I sighed. I really wanted to sleep the whole day, but I wasn’t going to get that. “Let me get dressed.” I said not moving.

It was quiet for a minute and I still hadn’t moved. “Jerry.” Casey said.

I groaned and kicked her off the bed before I sat up and went to my closet.


“When are you due again?” Meg, one of Casey and I’s friends asked.

“Two more weeks.” I said for the third time today.

I was still tired and had no desire to do this at all. But like Jack had said, I was always crabby, depressed or tired. I was just bored half of the time, there was nothing wrong with the party (of course because Casey always had a party throwing gift) I was just not in the mood.

“You look bored.” I heard Jack say behind me.

“What are you doing here, I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow?”

“I may have lied.” He shrugged as I rolled my eyes. “I’m kidding, well not really, I just said the wrong day.”

“You’d do something like that.” I shook my head.

“Ok, who hasn’t guessed the size of Jerry’s stomach yet?” Casey called holding up the clip board with a sheet of paper.

Jack shot his hand in the air. “You don’t count. It’s your baby.” Joyce said walking by and putting his arm down. I, Jack and everybody else laughed as Jack went to help me sit down while Casey talked.

“Ok well since that is everybody, we can start the second game. Now, how many women wished that men knew what it was like to be pregnant for one day?” She started while May got up to help.

After she had said that all of the hands of females rose to the air (which was a total of 15) while the men (which was a total of 15) looked suspicious.

“Ok well guys front and center.” She instructed pulling Rian and Mitch off of the couch. “Jerry, what is she doing?” Mitch asked turning toward me.

“I have no idea.” I laughed as all of the guys lined up in a line.

“Ok do you all have laces?” Casey asked looking down. “Yes you do. Good! Everybody untie your shoes and take one and blow.” She instructed as May went around handing out balloons.

The guys stood there blowing up the purple balloons until Casey told them to stop. “Now what you are going to do is put the balloon under your shirt and with it under your shirt you are going to have to sit down and tie both shoes, without popping the balloon.” She smirked as everybody else laughed.

After Casey explained things Alex rose his hand. “Don we get anything for this?” He asked looking down at his shirt which held the balloon.

“Yeah but you will find out after.” She said. “It’s a really good surprise also.” She added. “All right boys when May says go, get started.”

“Go.” May laughed.

As she did three guys got thought they could just sit down and ended up popping the balloons. Zack, Mitch and two other people squatted down to tie their shoes but had a hard time doing it which was pretty funny to watch.

Nick stopped for a second to think. He shrugged and squatted also trying to tie his shoe. Soon after the rest of the guys had caught on and did the same. They had thought it was going to be easy but it wasn’t.

“Ok how about you tie mine and I’ll tie yours.” Alex said to Nick.

“Good idea.” Nick leaned over and Alex held his shoulder so he wouldn’t fall. Alex lost his and Nick’s balance causing them to both fall and pop their balloons. “Thanks Alex.” Nick said throwing the deflated piece at him.

After a few minutes all of the guys had gotten their shoes tied but couldn’t figure out how to get up. “Screw this, I can’t do it.” Will (bassist for Failure to Fail) laughed getting his keys out of his pocket and driving a hole into the balloon.

After another 20 minutes they had all gotten up and were trying to sit down, which everybody except Zack failed at.

“Yay! I win.” He clapped.

“Boo!” Rian shouted.

“What did I win?” Zack asked ignoring Rian.

“Zack, you get the satisfaction of knowing you will never have to carry a baby.” Casey said patting his back as everybody laughed. “And the winner of the guessing game is…” She started ignoring her last statement. “… Joe.”

Everybody turned to Joe who had just pushed Jack down because they were most likely messing around with each other.

“What?” Joe asked when he heard his name.

“You guess the right size of Jerry’s stomach.” Casey said holding back her laughter while May and Joyce rolled their eyes.

“Woo! What do I get?” He asked.

Casey went over to grab a two jars, one filled with chocolate and the other with jelly beans.

“Take a pick.”

Joe sighed and shook his head while taking the jelly beans.

“Casey these prizes suck.” Zack laughed.

“I was on a budget, I’m not Oprah, I don’t give out cars.” She shrugged.

“Oprah doesn’t plan parties like you!” Alex said with his mouth full of a banana.

“Aw thank you Alex.” She smiled

“Are you sure you want to raise kids around them?” Jack whispered loud enough.

“I would say fuck you but Jerry doesn’t want us to say things like that and your mom is around.” Rian shrugged walking away. “Sorry Ms. B!” He called.

Yeah, we had one hell of a family.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two chapters left!!!