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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 36- Album (Month Nine)

Nine Months

“Are you sure you want to go?” Jack asked again. “I know it’s the release party and all but your due next week and I don’t want anything to happen.”

“Jack, for the last time, I am fine and nothing is going to happen. Don’t worry.” I reassured grabbing my purse.

For the past couple days Jack had been panicky. If I made a noise or woke him or me up he’s spring up and asks if anything was wrong. He also got mad if I took my computer out, even if I wasn’t trying to work. I also couldn’t walk anywhere alone.

It was cute that he was acting this way but all the same it got annoying.


"Jerry, if you want to go home let me know." He said before getting ready to go to sound check.

I sighed and grabbed his face. "Nothing is going to happen." I laughed. "Don't worry."

"I'm just saying." He laughed holding my hands which were still on his face.

I laughed. “It’s ok, calm down. She will come when she does, which isn’t tonight.”

He scrunched his face. “We’ll see.”

“Go do your sound check.” I said pushing him away so he could go.

“Oh yeah can you go into the dressing room and get my wallet?” He asked while he walked.

I sighed, another habit he had was leaving his wallet everywhere, but he’d know what was in without even looking. I waddled into the dressing room and when I opened the door I saw Janice who had widened eyes because she hadn't seen me in two months.

"Oh my god your huge." She squealed giving me a hug.

"Thanks." I laughed. "I thought you weren't going to be able to come?"

"Eh, I worked my way out of it. And besides I want to be here next week." She said rubbing my stomach. "I'm here for a few weeks."

"Good!" I said happy that my best friend was here. "How is Maryland."

"It's great! I want you to meet somebody later." She blushed.

"What's his name? And why haven't you told me about him?" I asked putting my hands on my hips which was becoming an habit.

"I don't know." She laughed. "I honestly didn't think it was going to go this far." She said still smiling.

I knew that smile by now. I sounded old saying it but I did know the smile. She was in love.

"Can I know his name at least?"

"His name is Sean. He's in law school." She said as we had begun to walk out to see the guys play. "Sean!" She called and a blonde haired guy turned around and walked towards us with a smile.

"You must be Jerry." He said when he got to us.

"And you must be Sean." I said as we shook hands.

He seemed like a good guy and Jan loved him so they both should be fine. We stood and talked as the guys played. After a few minutes Casey had met up with us. And some time after that it was just Janice, Casey and I.

“I like him.” Casey approved nodding her head as the guys finished their set.

“Same here.” I cosigned.

“I knew you two would. So Casey, what’s going on with you?” Janice smirked. “Just because you are starting your party planning business doesn’t mean you should be alone.”

“Pshp, I’m not worried about being alone. I can live with being single. Don’t worry about me.” She laughed.

I rolled my eyes and hid the fact that my back was hurtting more than normal.

“Hmm.” Janice and I said at the same time. No matter what Casey would always push you to something that she knew and felt was right (which most of the time was) but she never moved easily when you pushed her.

“I’ll be back, I have to go to the bathroom.” I said going towards the back as I felt the now normal sudden urge.

I got half way to the bathroom and I felt myself crap up and the baby kick hard. “Jees kid.” I muttered to myself as I held my stomach. I got two steps in front of the bathroom, stopped and realized something…

My water had broke.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok guys this is almost the end, two more chapters =), and the amount of comments depend on how soon the next chapter will come out!