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Being in Love With You Has Driven Me Insane

Chapter 38- The Twinkie

I lay Marley down in her crib and cut the light out trying to walk out of the room quietly. Luckily she was a semi heavy sleeper like Jack was.

“You know, I like our kid.” Jack nodded as I walked into the living room. He was referring to the fact that Marley was quiet and only wanted to sleep most of the time.

I laughed a little as I lay on top of him. “Fatass.” He grumbled smacking my butt.

“I just had your baby.” I said flicking his ear.

“I know.” He laughed giving me a kiss. “I love you and her.” He said pushing me to the side to get up. “Stay there.” He said before going into the back.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” He called back.

I sighed and waited for him to come back. As he did he held a rectangular box with dark purple wrapping paper.

“Open it.” He demanded.

I laughed and pulled off the paper and saw the Twinkie logo with some writing over it. I laughed some more as I continued to open it and he smiled.

“Just to remind you, you will always be the cream filling in my Twinkies. Love Your Horney Bastard.” I laughed giving him a kiss after I read the box. “You have to be one of the only people I know who can make a joke about something romantic but still have it as a romantic moment.”

“That’s true. Seeing as to how I tried to be romantic one time but almost gave you a concussion.” He said reminding me of when we went to Colorado.

“And that time where we sat on your roof and you almost fell off.” I laughed.

“Yes, and you saved my life.” He laughed reminding me of when I had grabbed onto his leg and pulled him back up.

“Remember homecoming week, when Westwood stole Remington’s mascot and made it into something of their own.” I laughed.

“Yeah, we chopped off the beaver tail, out lined lips to make it look like lip stick, turned one of the eyes light blue and left the other one dark brown, then putting our school shirt on it.” He reminded me.

“Wow, we still talk about the past.” I said realizing that.

“Yeah. because we were crazy and carefree, now we have Marley so not so much.” He said.

“Yeah but hey, it’s not over.” I reminded him.

“True.” He said putting his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. “I still have the rest of my life with you.” He said looking into my eyes.

“Of course Twinkie Boy.” I smiled making him laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, sorry for taking so long with a crappy chapter but I have some good news I guess, I am thinking about a smal mini series (maybe 10 to 15 chapters) of a new story. Good idea? Bad idea? I don't know but yeah and if I do decide to do it then I'll put the first chapter on here so you subscribers can know when to look at it but yeah... No other things I want to say but thank you for reading this reall ylong story I appreciate it =).

ChelleMunsthur * rivals are insane * Flock of meese! * blanklikepaper * livelovedaredream * dakota-sunshine * bulletformyvalluv * magicrainbowunicorn! * SelesteWriter* Dreamless_Night62 * Travis Clark Agrees * Arie Vixen * MyBrokenHeartxoxo * RAWR!cuzIMAdinosaur! * totallyhawaiigrl * blank_pages95 * laureel *

You Awesome people rock my socks and keep the story going <3

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