Walking on Thread


The air was breathtakingly cold; biting into anyone's flesh who was idiotic enough to be outside, or who had no choice. In the corner of a wal-mart building Aesha Lavrick, or A, lay huddled in worn and torn blankets she had found discarded in a nearby campsite. Her little sister lay sleeping soundly on her lap.

Few customers paid notice of them, most walking quickly to get their groceries and leave. Some would pass pitying glances to the duo, offering money. Usually a dollar, or a dollar fifty. One generous old couple gave them a five.

She had to wonder what people saw when they looked at her and her five year old sister. A worn down teenager with dry lips and crude looking hair; a child clinging to the only mother figure it had, someone who was to give her safety that her own mother couldn't.

Just then a woman passed with her 6 year old son, who passed a curious glance at them. He tugged quickly on his mothers sleeve, pointing at A's sleeping sister.

"Mommy, oh mommy, look! Why are they on the floor? Where's their mama?"

The mom looked from her child to the one laying on A's lap. "Sweety, I'm sure their mama is somewhere around. They're probably just waiting for her." The woman tugged quickly on the child's arm, trying to avoid having to explain why two kids would be laying on the ground, all by themselves.

The sun began to set, and the store closed. Elior stirred in A's arms, reluctant to wake up. A' gently lay her against the wall, wrapping up their belongings in a beat up backpack. She nudged the little child awake, walking out into the night.
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Ok! well, Its not so good :x But, I wanted to hurry up and get this started so the others wouldn't yell at me xD