Status: on HOLD

Don't Turn My Heart to Stone


I packed up the last of my bag's, and headed down the stairs. I saw Matt sitting on the couch, I ran over and jumped on the oppisite side of him.
"Ready?" Matt asked
"Yeah let me grab my bag's."
I ran upstairs. I put my laptop, ipod, Blackberry, camera, and the chargers in my messenger bag. I ran back downstairs. Matt already had my other bags in the car. I got into the car and headed off to my new home for the next two months.

~meeting the band~
One we got hter I saw Rian. I knew him for year's but I havn't seen him in 3 years.
"Rian!" I yelled.
he looked over and smiled I ran towards him. He picked me up. I laughed.
"I missed you."
I said as he put me down. Before he could reply
"Ally!" Matt yelled.
I ran over and got my messenger bag. I walked to the trunk and tryed to lift Matts bag out but it weighed like 150 pounds.
"Matt!" I yelled
He walked out of the bus with two guys.
"Help, please." I said
He came over and lifted it out. He set it down on the ground then he put his arm on my sholder for an arm rest and put some of his weight on me. I pulled away really fast and he fell back onto the ground. All of the guys that were standing here were laughing. I held out my hand and helped pull him up into a standing position again.
"Guys this is my little sister, Ally." Matt interduced me.
I smiled and waved.

"This is Jack and thats Zack," he said pointing them out "Alex is being a diva," I laughed at that "and you already know Rian."
"Hi Ally, you and I are going ot be bestest friends." Jack said with a smile on his face.
I smiled then said, "Hey Jack." I like him I think we will get along good.
"Hey." Zack said he was smiling. He was cute
"Hi." I said back smiling.
"Come on lets go guy's and girl." Matt said
I pulled my bag's over to the bus.
"Need help?" asked Zack
"No. I can get it." I said trying to lift it up. I was very hard headed and like to do stuff for myself.
I struggled to lift it, Zack started laughing and icked it up and put it in the compartment the closed the door.
"Thank you." I said smiling at him
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Ok so new story. :)
tell me what you think of it. If it suckes or is ok.