Status: Should be updated frequently, since most of it is already written.

Let Me In


"Hey girl. How've you been?" Jeff said as he walked into Matt's kitchen. He and Beth were staying with Matt until their new home was finished.

Beth and I were acting like kids again, making jewelry.

"Great. How was your show? I didn't get to watch it," I referred to his most recent appearance on TNA.

"Same ol', same ol'. It's a lot more fun with Shannon back around though," He mentioned.

"Shannon Moore? He's back in TNA now?" I dropped one of the small black beads in my hands.

"Yep. Has been for a little while now. He asks about you a lot," He added in. I sighed and waited on the inevitable fight to begin.

"Jeff. Enough," Beth warned.

"Well I'm sorry that the guy misses her. I can't pretend he isn't my best friend, babe," He defended himself and Shannon. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"You know how that gets to her, Jeff. He doesn't fucking deserve to hear anything from or about her after what he did. I love him as much as you do but he pulled a bitch move on her," Beth went through the same thing we had to go through every time Shannon's name was mentioned.

"More like several bitch moves," I mumbled.

"Kat, you really gotta let that shit go one day. I mean come on! You even quit your job because of him!" Jeff said.

At the time Shannon left me, I was an on call massage therapist and makeup artist for TNA. I miss the job more than anything, but I couldn't stand having to deal with him every time I was at work.

"I did let it go. As soon as I let it go, he did it again. I'm done letting go," I sat the unfinished bracelet down on the table and got up.

"Don't leave again because my boyfriend's mouth opened and his best friend is a dick!" Beth begged.

"Well, he never lets it go, Beth. I'm just leaving now before I get pissed. I'm tired of snapping off at one of my best friends because of something he didn't do," I grabbed my purse on the table and started towards the exit.

"Yo, Jeff! Where you at?!" A voice yelled through the house and the front door slammed shut. My eyes widened.

"What the fuck did I do to deserve this today?" I growled.

"In the kitchen, man!" Jeff answered. I threw my hands in the air in a typical 'what the fuck' motion and Jeff merely shrugged.

"What's goin' on in here? I smell tension," I heard the voice growing closer. I groaned and collapsed back into the chair, slamming my head on the table.

"Oh," He sighed as he entered the room. I could picture the face of disappointment.

"Hi, Shannon," Beth greeted quietly. I really felt sorry for her being constantly stuck between her best friend and her boyfriend's best friend.

"Hello to you, too, Beth. So listen, Jeff. I kinda need a huge favor for the next week," He began to work his self proclaimed magic. I quickly took notice that he didn't speak to me. At least he was following my wishes.

"What is it now, Shannon?"

"My house is being fumigated tomorrow for roaches and they say it takes a week for it to be safe for people to stay there again, so... I need somewhere to stay."

"Did you ask Matt? It's kinda his house," Jeff laughed.

"Eh... I haven't exactly asked him..." Shannon trailed off.

"What did you do?" Jeff asked, automatically knowing there was more to that story.

"Last time he let me stay here I had a few people over and it turned into a party... Some of his shit got stolen. He'll say no," Shannon mumbled, defeated.

"You know I can't give you permission to stay in his house when he doesn't want you to, dumbass," Jeff chuckled.

"It was worth a shot. Dude, I literally have no one else I can stay with for that week! Everyone is going out of town or something and no one trusts me in their house alone!" Shannon whined.

"Kat isn't going anywhere," Jeff mentioned. I shot up and stared at him, waiting for him to say anything that could possibly redeem him. Of course, I was disappointed, yet unsurprised, to find that he saw no wrong in dropping this detail.

"Oh, um... We all know why that won't be happening," Shannon scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Didn't you make the first year of payments on her house? And mostly furnish it?" Jeff tilted his head. If it was even possible, my eyes grew wider. Before I could stop myself, I threw the first bead I could get my hands on directly at his face, hitting him on the eyebrow. He grabbed his face and whined about the minor injury.

"Yeah, but that was then. I'm not holding a favor over her head like that," Shannon shrugged.


I swear, he had to do that on purpose. He knew I have a huge heart and couldn't let that go.

"God damn it. Shannon, you can stay with me," I got up, grabbed my purse, and walked outside without another word.

I went outside and swung my car door open, throwing my purse inside. I opened the glove compartment and pulled out an old friend.

Shannon's Point of View

All three of us were in a permanent state of confusion. Why would Kat let me stay with her?

"Wow. I did not think that would work," Jeff broke the silence.

"You know she feels bad about that, you idiot!" Beth smacked him in the back of the head.

"Well, he didn't have anywhere else to stay!" He defended himself.

"I could've found somewhere. I don't wanna make her uncomfortable for a week... Fuck," I slammed my head against the refrigerator door.

"Why can't you just say no?" Jeff asked. Once again, he was clueless.

"You know how she is! You brought up that shit now she feels like she has to let me stay with her!"

"Babe, you're an idiot," Beth groaned.

"Knowing her, she's still sitting in her car. I'm gonna go talk to her," I sighed.

"Is that a good idea?" Beth asked.

"Probably not. But I think I have to," I walked out of the kitchen and out of the house. Kat was straddling the propane tank outside of the house, a cloud of smoke rising above her head.

How the hell did she crawl up there? And when did she start smoking?

A scent caught my nose. That wasn't a cigarette she was smoking. I walked closer and shook my head as I saw the joint in her hand. I never would've thought my Katie would have turned to drugs.

Oh yeah. She isn't my Katie any more.

"When did you start smoking?" I said calmly, hoping not to scare her.

"A year ago," She said in monotone.

When I broke her.

"Can I ask why?" I asked. I immediately regretted the decision to do so. I knew the answer already.

"Something had to chill me out. Seemed like an easy enough thing to do," She shrugged, not giving a damn. I got irritated with her nonchalance and slapped her hand, knocking the joint to the ground. I stomped the embers out and waited for her rage.

"What the fuck?!" She snapped, glaring at me.

"That shit's not good for you, Katie!"

"Don't call me that! And you don't have a fucking say in my life any more, Shannon!" She screamed. Her eyes were red, but I couldn't tell if it was from the weed or tears.

I always forget that only I called her Katie. She hates it now.

"I realize that! But I'm not letting you hurt yourself because of something I did!" I yelled back. I threw one leg over the tank and jumped onto it, facing her.

"You don't give a shit about me. You never did," She whimpered, tears falling freely.

"I always did! I still do!" I stressed, as I had many times before.

"You have a funny fucking way of showing it," She glared.

"I told you a thousand times. I was scared. I'm sorry I couldn't handle it. I cared so fucking much about you! I didn't know what to do! I already fucked up one time with Crystal. I didn't wanna do it with you, too!"

"You always compare me to her! Fucking stop! I'm not fucking Crystal! I wouldn't do that to you! If you knew anything about me you'd realize that!" She tried to swing one leg over to crawl off of the tank but something went wrong. She slid off the side and stumbled to her knees.

"Katie!" I leaped off and dropped on my knees next to her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders ready to help her up.

"I don't need your help," She growled and threw my arm away from her. She walked to her car and jumped in, slamming the door shut. Less than ten seconds later, she opened the door again.

"You can start bringing your shit over to the house whenever you're ready," She said with no emotion.