Status: Should be updated frequently, since most of it is already written.

Let Me In


Kat's Point of View

"Oh God, honey I'm so sorry! You've had a hell of a day, huh?" Beth said as she walked into my living room.

"No shit," I chuckled bitterly. I was lying on the couch, wallowing in self pity.

"Where's Shannon?" She glanced around the room in question.

"Putting his shit up in the guest room."

"How awkward is it with him here?" She whispered.

"You have no idea," I sighed.

"I found this case of movies on the bed. What do you wanna do with it?" Shannon said as he walked in carrying a black case which was filled with DVDs.

"Beth, put one on. Nothing better to do," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay," She began flipping through the pages of discs.

"So, ummm... I guess I'll head out. Gotta get the house ready for the fumigators and shit," He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as always.

"You don't have to leave, Shannon. You may as well get used to being around me. You kinda have to stay here for a full week," I reminded him.

"Okay. I can stay a little while. Just tell me when you want me to leave and I'm out though," He insisted.

He's making it way too hard to hate him.

"What are these blank ones?" Beth asked, pointing to plain silver DVDs with dates written on them.

"Those random videos we used to film all the time. I'm not sure what's specifically on any of them," I replied.

"Can we watch them?"

"I don't care," I answered without thinking. If I hadn't had a pounding headache, and had thought harder about that decision, I would've spoken differently.

"Yay!" She cheered over the small victory and pulled out the first disc.

It was all random stuff with the guys, Beth, and me. Crazy stunts that most likely lead to the ideas for The Hardy Show. It was so hard not to leave watching Shannon and I interract on the screen. You couldn't miss the way that we looked at each other. Soon enough, the video was done and Beth was putting in the next one.

"Yoooo! This is Matt and we are walking around my lovely home. We were doing a bit of drinking earlier, and everyone disappeared! Let's go see what everyone's up to!" Matt turned the camera away from himself and began walking around the house.

"Here's Jeff and Beth, making out as always," He narrated. Jeff flipped him off and never broke away.

"Where the hell is Shannon at?" Matt mumbled. He walked down the hallway and stopped outside the door of the guest room.

"This is the room he's staying in tonight," He whispered.

"Fuck!" Shannon moaned from inside the room.

"Oh shit. I think Shannon's gettin' some," Matt giggled.

I turned red as this scene unfolded. I remembered it clearly now.

"Oooh, baby. Fuck yeah. Just like that," Shannon's voice was clear through the door.

"How the hell is he so loud?" Matt whispered.

"Because his back is against the door," I thought to myself, "Not to mention he always was a loud one."

I glanced over at Shannon, whose eyes were wide and cheeks were blood red. Beth was giggling like a teenager.

"Keep going, baby. Yeah," Shannon panted. A thud vibrated the door.

"Oh shit! He's on the door!" Matt realized.

"I can't believe this right now. If I wasn't so excited about embarrassing them tomorrow, I'd leave," Matt laughed.

"Suck it, baby. Suck my cock," Shannon grunted out.

Matt lost control and burst out laughing, quickly running away from the door.

Beth was literally rolling on the floor laughing.

The screen went blank momentarily and then focused on Shannon and I sitting on the couch the next morning.

"So... Did you two have fun last night?" Matt asked casually.

"Hell yeah. I always have fun spending time with my angel," Shannon was kissing major ass after that favor.

"Oh yeah. You were spending some quality time with her in my guest room," Matt laughed.

"....You heard that?" Shannon's eyes widened.

"'Suck my cock,'" Matt mocked Shannon's voice. My jaw dropped and I hid my face in Shannon's chest.

"That's enough home movies for today," Shannon said quickly, jumping up and pressing the eject button on the DVD player.

"I agree," I grumbled.

"One more! Please! I think I remember this one!" Beth begged, holding up another disc.

"Go ahead. But that's the last one," I said firmly. There was no point in fighting her. She'd just drive me nuts until I let her do it. She skipped over and put the movie in and it immediately showed Shannon and I, about a year and a half ago.

"This is my beautiful, amazing girlfriend," Shannon said sweetly, kissing my cheek.

"Do you love her?" Matt asked as he held the camera.

"More than anything in this world," Shannon immediatley answered.

"Kat, do you love him?"

"Absolutely," I grinned, kissing Shannon's cheek.

"I'm never letting my baby go again. Ever," Shannon hugged me tightly and blew a raspberry on my neck. I squirmed and giggled.

We were adorable together.

"...My bad," Beth squeaked, quickly ejecting the disc.

"I'm gonna go," Shannon stood quickly and grabbed his keys from the coffee table. He exited the house without another word.

Beth sat quietly waiting for my reaction

I was silent, trying not to cry from the surfaced memory. Other memories exactly like that one flooded through my head so quickly it hurt.

The time we went to New York and he took me around Time Square.

He bought me a dress, shoes, and jewelry to go out to dinner that night. Now it all sits in a box with the rest of the things he's ever given me. Okay, so it's not a box. It's a massive plastic tote. It wouldn't fit in anything else.

The time we laid in the grass in the middle of the night and looked at the stars.

We failed to identify the constellations so we made up our own. I can still see the heart made up of several stars if I look in the right place.

The time our friend got married and we were both in the wedding.

We walked down the aisle together and he whispered in my ear, "This will be us someday."

That one broke me and I let the tears fall.

"Oh God... I'm so sorry, Kat," Beth whispered.

"It's not your fault. It's his for doing this," I said quietly.

"Are you... Will you be okay?" She asked hesitantly.

"I should've never given him another chance..." I ignored her question and spoke to myself.

"Can I tell you something?" She asked, louder than before.

"What?" I said through the tears, which were becoming more frequent by the second.

"I think you two are still supposed to be together."

"I don't wanna miss him so bad, but I do. I fucking do. Every fucking day," I sobbed. I sat up so I could breathe easier and cried my heart out. I put my face in my hands prayed for the pain to go away.

"I'm so sorry, babe. I know you miss him. I know," She tried to console me, sitting beside me and wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, I forgot my phone," Shannon walked into the living room. I panicked and jumped off the couch. I made eye contact with him and froze.

"Shit, are you okay?" He asked, coming towards me.

"No... I'm not," I said quietly and ran to my bedroom.

Shannon's Point of View

"I think you should talk to her," Beth said.

"What's going on?" I demanded, still confused.

"She fucking misses you! She hates that you make her feel this way, Shannon," She yelled, angry at me for hurting her best friend, as if I didn't hate myself for it every single day.

"I hate that I did it to her! I fucking want her back but I can't force her to want me!" I yelled back.

"She does want you! She just doesn't want to want you. She fucking loves you, Shannon. I know she does and I know you still love her!"

"Of course I love her! She's meant everything to me since day one! I want her more than anything, and I've tried to make her forgive me, but she can't forget what I did," I was getting more upset by the second.

"I don't deserve her," I whispered.

"No, you don't," Beth agreed, "But she needs you."

"I can fucking hear you!" Katie's voice yelled from her bedroom.

"Then get in here and fight your own battle!" Beth challenged, smirking.

"You know she'll come in here now," I laughed slightly.

"I didn't fucking ask you to fight any fucking thing for me, you antagonizing bitch!" Kat growled, entering her living room once again. Her hair was scattered, her makeup was everywhere, her eyes were bloodshot, and she was still absolutely stunning. This was the woman I fell in love with.