An Unforgettable Christmas

the whole story that isnt really a chapter but i d

12 year old Bill Kaulitz sat in his bedroom, looking out the window.

He watched as his mom drove away to go shopping.

Finally, he was home alone. Tom was out with friends, so he didn't have to worry about his annoying brother bothering him...

Bill closed his bedroom door and grabbed an unopened pack of cigarettes.

He had never smoked before, but decided to try it.

They couldn't be that bad, right?

He took out a lighter and a cigarette and lit it. He inhaled deeply, and then exhaled, coughing.

Maybe they were bad...

But he took another breath of it, anyways.

"I'll get used to it," he convinced himself aloud.

Suddenly he heard the sound of a door open. He froze, cigarette still in his mouth, and looked towards the bedroom door.

Tom was there.

"Hey, Bill, I think I lost my wallet, have you seen it?"

He looked up at Bill. When he saw the cigarette, his mouth dropped open.

"What the fuck, Bill?! What are you doing?"

Bill shrugged.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Well I'm telling mom when she gets home!"

"No! Please, don't! She can't find out out this!"


"Because I'll get in trouble, duh!"

"So?? It'll be funny to see you get in trouble!"

"Tom! Please , I'll do anything!"


Bill nodded.

"Yes, anything! Just name it."

"Really...? Anything...hmm...I like that. Ok, my lips are sealed. I have to, my friends are waiting. But remember, you owe me."

He left.

Bill took another puff of the cigarette and sighed.

"Why do I feel as if I've just made a deal with the devil?"

A few weeks later and it was almost Christmas.

Bill was starting to think that Tom had forgotten about their deal.

But, of course, he hadn't.

Bill and Tom went to seperate schools.

Bill, the smarter of the two, went to private school. Tom went to public school.

A week before Christmas Tom told Bill about a school dance.

"It's on Christmas eve in the school gym. I can't wait! It's going to be great, I just know it!"

"Who's your date?"

"I'm going to take my girlfriend, Angela."

"Cool, sounds like fun."

Actually, Bill was jealous. He wished that he could go to the dance with Tom, instead of some stupid girl who probably didn't deserve him.

Little did he know, in a twisted way his wish was going to come true.

The day before the dance, Tom came home from school, upset.

"What's wrong?" Bill asked.

"Angela broke up with me! Now what am I going to do? It's definitly too late to find another date to the dance... I'll look like such a loser if I go by myself!"

"Well, I could go with you," Bill suggested.

"But that's even more pathetic! Maybe if you were a girl..."

Tom looked at his brother.

Long black hair... thick black eyeliner...polished nails...and a touch of lip gloss...

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I think I've found my date!"



"What?! But you just said..."

"Nevermind about that. Have you ever worn a dress before?"

"You want me to pretend to be a girl?"

He nodded.

"No way."


"I won't do it!"

"You have to."

"Oh yeah? Says who?"

"Me. If you say no, though, that's no problem. Do what you want. I'm sure mom will find it very interesting that you like to smoke cigarettes when she's not around."

"No, please don't tell her!"

"I won't...if you'll be my date."

"But that's blackmail!"

"Hey, you were the one who agreed to it. You owe me. ANYTHING. So what do you say?"

Bill sighed.

"Ok. I'll do it."

Bill and Tom walked through the mall together.

"What about that store?" Tom asked.

Bill shrugged.

"I don't care."

Tom led him into a store and over to the dresses.

"Pink? Or purple?"

"If you're going to make me wear a dress, it's going to be black."

"Ok... what about that one? It's pretty."

"It's ok, I guess. Let's buy it."

They bought the dress. Bill acted as if he hated it, but really he thought that it was the most beautiful dress that he had ever seen.

He couldn't wait to wear it.

The dress was black with pink sparkles on it. The bottom had lace, as did the top. It came wit a bow to tie around his waist, and a cute pink sweater.

He could already imagine the makeup: black eyeliner with pink glitter eyeshadow, black nails with pink tips, and rose colored lip gloss. He could wear black boots and pink tights, with a pink and black polka - dotted headband.

A dark princess.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all, he admitted to himself.

Bill could imagine how beautiful he'd look in the dress. Maybe he would even catch the attention of a beautiful boy...

He couldn't wait.

The day of the dance, both boys were nervous.

Bill went into his bedroom and did his hair and make up exactly as he planned. Then he put on ythe dress, and was surprised at how comfortable it was.

He stood in front of the mirror and gasped. He really did look like a girl!

Bill smiled, and twirled. He loved the way that the dress looked when he moved in it.

He heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Tom."

" one minute!"

Bill ran over to the mirror to make sure that his outfit was perfect.

He added some more lipgloss, grabbed his purse, stuffed some tissues into his bra for an added effect, and then opened the door.

"Are we ready to go? Bill asked.

Tom stared at Bill, his mouth slightly open in shock.

"Are you really my brother? What have you done to him?"

Billed laughed nervously.

It's really me! Why, does it look that bad?"

Tom continued to stare at Bill.

Bill had a cute worried look on his face, and was nervously chewing on his bottom lip.
Tom couldn't believe that he was really looking at his brother.


"What? look...really beautiful, actually."


Bill blushed.

Tom smiled.

" look really...uh...convincing. Let;s just hope that none of my friends try to hit on you," he said.

He made it sound as a joke, but he was actually serious.

He grabbed Bills' hand.

"Mom isn't home, is she?" Bill asked, worried.

"No, it's ok."

"Good, because if she saw me like this..."

Tom laughed.

"Let's not even think of the outcome of that. But I think that she's always wanted a daughter!"

The two boys laughed.

They took a bus to Toms' school.

When they arrived, Bill and Tom nervously walked into the school.

They felt as if everyone was looking at them, and felt very shy.

They entered the gym. It was decorated nicely, with quite a few Christmas trees and other decorations.

Tom saw some of his friends, and holding hands, him and Bill walked over to them.


"Hey, Tom."


Tom introduced everyone to eachother.

"This is Georg, Gustav, and Andreas and their girlfriends. Guys, this is my beautiful date. Billa."

"Hi," Bill said in a high voice.

Everyone said hello, and they were all very nice to him.

"What school do you go to?"

'She's very smart, so she goes to a private school," Tom answered for him.

Bill nodded, and shyly looked at the floor, unsuree of what to say.

He stood there uncomfortably while Tom talked to his friends for a minute.

A minute turned into an hour.

Bill finally escused himself and went outside.

He sat on the front steps of the school and smoked a cigarette.

The thing that had gotten him into this mess in the first place.

A moment later Tom came outside. He smirked to himself.

"It's not very ladylike to smoke," he said.

Bill turned around.

"You scared me!"

He stood up and walked over to Tom. They were standing in the doorway if the school.

"Sorry... why did you leave?'

Bill shrugged.

"I don't know... I guess I just felt a little uncomfortable."

They were silent, until Bill started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

Bill pointed above their heads. In the doorway of the school was a bunch of mistletoe.

Bill and Tom both blushed.

"We don't have to if you don't want to.," Tom said.

"No...I want to," Bill replied, blushing like crazy.

They were both silent, looking into eachothers' eyes. They slowly moved closer to eachother until their lips softly met.

It was only for a moment, and then they both pulled away, their faces red.

"That was nice,"Tom said.

Bill nodded.

"Yes, I liked it."

"Do you want to do it again?"

Bill replied by giving Tom a big kiss on the lips. They started making out, and before they realized it, it was snowing.

They pulled apart and looked up at the beautiful snow falling from the sky.

"I'm glad we did this. Tonight turned out to be better then I expected," Bill said honestly.

"Why? Because of this?"

He kissed Bill again.

Bill smiled.

"Yes...and because I found out how much I really like to wear dresses!"

They laughed.

Tom prayed that Bill was joking...

"Would you like to go home now?"


Hand in hand, they walked to the bus stop.


"Yes, Bill?"

"I love you."

"I love you too. Merry Christmas."

"Yes... Merry Christmas."

the end =]