‹ Prequel: Lead and Gold




Kaname Kuran.

Is this some sort of just punishment placed into my path?

He calls himself a 'pure blood'--as if that makes any difference--and he has to be the most revolting creature I have ever encountered. I have seldom come face to face with him, but I have heard enough by hearsay to form an accurate judgement:

He is an arrogant fool with a god-complex. He believes that he can strut about Our Home as if he owns each strip of ground he decides to 'grace' with his presence. Those around him are just puppets to him--objects to entertain his sick fantasies. I do not know who gave him permission to stay here, but I wish they would revoke the invitation.

He is what gives our kind a bad name--the kind of Creature obsessed with sex and power. It is funny, really--making a claim to the purity of his blood. By our nature, none of us are pure. His stake is only a stronger reminder of his arrogance. And the things that he does...

I have caught him on more than one occasion skulking around Maharet. I do not make such a bold claim as saying I own her--she is free to come and go as she pleases--but I do believe that that cretin's company is far beneath her standards. I cannot begin to fathom the reasons she has for keeping his person about, but I do not tolerate it when I happen to come upon them. Just this past night, he attempted--no, no...he did...force her into feeding him berries in the nude. The nude! With me only steps away! I should have ran my blade through him then and there, but I restrained myself in the hopes that I could resolve it in some other way. Nothing got through to the brute. He only stopped when he 'tired' of the game, saying he would call on her at some later time. As if she was expected to bend at his leisure. I should have done more. But I was...afraid. I was afraid of what power he may wield, and I could not stand the thought of being deprived of Maharet's companionship...indeffinitely....

And then he violated my patience a second time.

I found him forcing Maharet and Mekare to kiss! They are sisters! I tried to disrupt whatever psychic hold he had on them by throwing him--I would have, even without an excuse--but the attempt failed, as god-like as he is. I finally broke. I drew my sword, and I had every intention of slicing that perfect face of his...but he 'grew tired' of the game and ended it...but that by no means ment the game was over.

Maharet, free of his grip, broke as well...albeit in a less composed manner than I. She attacked him. She tore at his hair and scratched at him, beat at him; she took all that rage and pain he had caused her and morphed it into force.

She killed him.

I do not know how it occurred, but she slew the demi-god. I watch his body fall to the ground, and I knew that not even I could have done the deed. As odd as it sounds, and as much as I hated him, it unnerved me to see the body lying there, the smug grin absent from his face. There were no arrogant comments. There was no haughty attitude. There was only silence.

I did not like it.

I tried to soothe her, later, when she stepped outdoors, but it was in vain. I do not think that either of us were prepared for what had happened.

Did I want him to come back? I did not know at the time. I do not know what ripples his 'death' shall have on this place. Perhaps it was due time to have some sort of challenge here. My prior life was rife with challenges. This place had caused me to be somewhat lax. I was a fool to believe that one such as I could find a heaven on this earth.

I shall be ready when he returns.