

NAME, age, race: Kayla Magic, 19, vamp/charmer/witch

Looks: silver eyes, black hair, pale

Personality: happy, pessimistic, also, optimistic, shy.

Extra info: she lives by herself in a cabin in the middle of the forest. Doesn’t
know the wolves. Knows the Cullen’s. Best friend to Alice and jasper. (p.s. Emily young does not exist in this story)

Powers: can captivate a man on command, magic, shield

Kayla’s p.o.v
I was running through the forest when suddenly a huge wolf started chasing me. ‘A child of the moon!?’ I thought to myself. I turned around and put up my shield and just in time to . The wolf launched at me but hit my shield instead. “stop” I ordered it and instantly it stopped. Man I truly love my powers. “now why don’t you phase back, change, and tell me your name” I said seductively. Since he was a man he did as told. “my names Embry Call”
“what are you” I said/whispered keeping him in my trance
“a shape-shifter” he said.
“take me to your packs alpha” I ordered him. He obeyed and took me to a red cabin like house. He opened the door like a gentleman. The room was full of guys and one girl. At the site of me and the look on Embry’s face she walked out and went who knows where. “who is this” asked a tall man in a firm voice. most likely the alpha. Embry didn’t reply because 1)he didn’t know and 2) he was under my trance
“tell him I’m Kayla and you found me in the forest” I whispered to him so low only he could hear “she’s Kayla I found her in the forest” he repeated as told he started turning red, from anger I‘m pretty sure, and everyone from the room but me, Embry ,and of coarse angry dude ran outside “ why did you bring her here!?” screamed the alpha. I had on a cloak with my hood on that it hid my face so he didn’t see me mocking him. “I don’t know” said Embry. Oh, and did I say without permission “when did I give you permission to speak!” I whispered harshly “sorry! I didn’t know! Please don’t leave!” he screamed seeing me walk to the door. “alright” I said and gracefully walked back to his side. “what are you doing here?” the alpha asked “first, what is your name” I asked “Sam”
“well Sam I came here because I wanted to see Embry’s pack, well more like your pack” I giggled. This seemed to captivate him. Oops. “sorry” I said noticing his dazed stare. “what are you” he said still a little in a trance. “I’m a charmer which explains the “weird” vive you get from me, I’m also a witch and a vampire. Sam and his pack ,that was just coming back, froze at the word vampire except for Embry who was still deep in my trance.
“don’t worry I’m a different vampire than what you all know” I said “ how so asked” Sam “ I don’t bite to drink blood, I only bite my mate and still I don’t suck their blood, well not much” I said “ I also don’t need blood to survive but I do need to eat plants, I’m an actual vegetarian I guess.”
“well then’ I guess your not a threat.” aid Sam. “why thank you” I said removing my hood and looking him in the eyes. The world seemed to stop. The only thing that I wanted was to be in his arms forever.
Sam’s p o v:
She took of her hood and looked me in the eyes. I felt love over come me and knew instantly that I had imprinted on her. She turned to leave but Embry grabbed her by her arm. I growled at him but he ignored me. “no! don’t leave me! I love you!” Embry screamed everyone looked at him like he was crazy. I just growled even louder at that “let her go Embry!” I commanded him but he didn’t budge! I’m the alpha I gave him an order and he just ignores me! How is that possible! “I guess I’ll have to do it now” I heard Kayla murmur. What does she mean by that?
Kayla’s p.o.v:
“I guess I’ll to do it now” I murmured. I turned around and put my hand over Embry’s chest where his heart is. I softly kissed his lips and out of the corner of my eyes I saw the angry and pained expression on Sam’s face. I pulled my hands and lips away from Embry and took a step back. I heard a gasp from Sam. Ribbon like strands of red light connected from my hand to Embry’s heart and from my lips to Embry’s lips. I blew air from my mouth while keeping eye contact with Embry. The light turned black and shuttered. The ribbon shattered and turned Embry’s lips blue. That’s the easy part now the hard part I wrapped the last light around every finger, my palm, allv the way up to my shoulder. I said my enchantment “Ribbo de ruban amour de la morte pause maintenant et la liberation de cet homme” (ribbon of love ribbon of death break now and release this man). The ribbon turned black, shuttered, and shattered. Embry turned pale and fell to the floor. Sam ran to him and laid him on his couch. “He’ll be ok in an hour or so.” I said “look I don’t know if you noticed or not but I imprinted on you” Sam said. “what is an imprintation?” I asked “ it’s when you find your mate.” replied Sam, “I love you and always will, no matter what.”. “I love you too.” I said blushing. Sam smiled and hugged me. I stood on my tiptoes and pecked his lips.

the end

(link to pic of kayla
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this is one of my first oneshots so please rate nicely and give me tips on how to improve my writing