Status: Tell me what you think. (:

Guitar Lessons From Alex Gaskarth


Two weeks passed, and Alex and I became good friends. I was getting better at the guitar, but I still wasn’t so good. Bassam was still bothering me, but that was nothing new. His reaction to the Alex’s and I friendship didn’t phase him. I think it just got him happier to annoy him. Gemma and I befriended Alex’s two other friends, Rian and Zack. They were the loud ones out of everyone. Alex wasn’t as quiet as I thought. You just had to warm up to him. And, Bassam, he was still…Bassam.

“Tegan, guess what!” Gemma said excitedly.

“What?” I asked, not interested. It was probably another useless rumor.

“Jack is throwing a party tomorrow. And, we’re going!” she exclaimed.

“Party, huh? I can’t go. My mom won’t let me…wait, who care’s about my mom? Party tomorrow!” I high-fived Gemma.


“Okay…yeah, Gemma. I know, okay…okay! I’ll be there in a bit,” I said over the phone. It was Saturday, the day of the party, and I was almost done getting ready.

I tiptoed downstairs and snuck out quietly. My mom didn’t let me go to parties, but I could care less about what she says. My mom was already in deep sleep, so it was kind of easy to sneak out.

I got to my car, and, yes, I can drive. The only reason my mom drives me to my lessons is because she doesn’t trust me. She thinks that I’ll go somewhere else. But, in that situation, I wouldn’t.

I got to Jack’s house in ten minutes. It was already filled with loud music, cars, people, and trash.

Once I entered the house, I was greeted by the loud music.

“Whoa. Look at you.” I heard behind me.

I turned around and saw it was Bassam. “Okay, Bassam, you can put your eyes back in your head now.”

“Maybe I don’t want to.” He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his comment. “Have you seen Gemma?”

“Yep, I saw her in the kitchen. Now, I have to go talk to that girl right there.” He smirked and left.

“Oh my gosh, Tegan, you look great!” Gemma complimented when she saw me.

“Thanks, so do you.”

“I know I do,” she winked. “Have you seen anybody cute?” she asked.

“No, I just got here. Do you?”

“No…wait, is that Steven I see coming over here? Tegan, Steven is coming over here. Act calm, act calm.” Steven was Gemma’s crush. She had a crush on him since junior year.

“Hey, Gemma and Tegan, how are you two ladies?” he asked, mainly, looking at Gemma. I thought they would make a good couple. I heard he was pretty cool.

“Good, hey, I’m going to go over there,” I excused, so they could get some alone time. Behind Steven’s back, I gave Gemma a thumbs up.

I went outside for some fresh air.

“Tegan, is that you?” someone asked.

I turned around and saw it was Alex. He was wearing a band tee and black skinny jeans, typical of him.

I gave him a smile. “Hey, Alex.”

“Whoa, you look...great.” he complimented.


“So, how are you liking the party?” he asked, looking at the sky.

“It’s pretty good. I’m, pretty, sure Gemma got asked out by Steven,” I replied.

“Really? That’s good.”


Silence filled the air. Today felt awkward. Usually, we would always talk, but today it was different.

I looked at Alex. He was staring at me intensively.

“Alex, you okay?” I asked a bit concerned. Why would he be staring at me?

“Um, Tegan, I have to tell you something,” he said nervously.

What does he want to say?


“Well, I, um-”

“TEGAN, you came!” Rian and Zack interrupted, scaring me and Alex.

“Whoa....” I managed to get out, being given a bear hug by Rian.

“Rian, can you put me down?” I asked into his chest.

“Fineee.” He pouted a little, but still let go.

“Someone is looking a little hot,” Zack teased.

“Oh, why thank you, Zackary.” Rian replied.

“What? I wasn’t talking about you, Rian!” Zack said, taken back.

“Oh, whatever, Zack, I know you like this.” Rian put out his “muscles”.

I laughed at them two. They are such goofballs.

“Hey, Alex! I didn’t see you there. You’re quiet tonight. Here, have a drink.” Zack noticed, giving Alex a cup.

“No, thanks. I have to wake up early in the morning. I have to go. Tell Jack I had a great time. Bye, Tegan,” he said, giving the cup back, and started walking.

“Bye, Alex,” I said, looking at him as he walked.

What was up with him? He seemed…off tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo, what's up with Alex?
I don't know either xD
Hehe, enjoy and comment!