The Memories Won't Leave


I hugged my legs close to my body and let out a sob. Never have I felt so alone. Stray tears slid down my check slowly. My body and mind ached from the undeniable pain I was presently faced with. I still couldn’t believe it; I couldn’t believe him. Who could just throw something like that away? It hurt to know that what we had wasn’t special to him, even when it meant the world to me. I picked up a photograph off of my nightstand, and more tears followed.

The snowflakes fell casually from the sky, building a growing pile on the ground. The silver blades of my skates caressed the ice as my feet slid on the slippery surface. Patrick’s skates did the same.

“Hannah,” Patrick’s voice called, “Watch ou-“

His voice was cut off by my scream as my feet left the safety of the ice and my body flew backwards. Right before I hit the hard surface below me, arms hooked under my own and pulled me back up.

I let out a sigh of relief before speaking, “Thank goodness, you’re here.” I shot him a quick smile.
“Don’t worry,” He answered with the same gesture, “I’ll always be here for you.”

Well he wasn’t here now.

Patrick was my best friend since I can remember. When he moved into a neighboring house at the age of three, we instantly clicked –but what pair of three year olds don’t? From then on, we never left each other’s side.

Well until now.
It’s been two years since I sat on my bed crying, -crying over my best friend leaving me without saying goodbye. He moved, his mother told me one day after I visited his house asking for him. Apparently he was out of province too, more information his mother gave me. He never called, and never came to visit. I think I could easily say he was out of my life forever.

Well I thought so.

I let out a deep sigh as I dragged myself out of bed. I was now a senior in high school and had my first day of exams today. I stood facing my closet with my hands on my hips. My eyes scanned the messy piles of clothes, before I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I slipped those on quickly, and headed into the bathroom. After doing the necessities, I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and continued on my way. My feet jumped down the steps, two at a time and I made my way into the kitchen. I grabbed an energy bar and exited my house. As I stepped onto the sidewalk, I noticed something abnormal, and simply shocking. There it was. The car I hadn’t seen in over two years, was sitting in the driveway next to mine. I took a deep breath in, and tried to ignore the fact that my best friend was back in town. When I was just about to pass by that house that held so many memories though, I was drawn forward. My feet stopped walking past the brown-bricked house, and my eyes scanned the features. Before I could register what was happening, a voice met my ears.

“Hannah?” The voice spoke softly.

I turned my head to face the direction which the voice had come from. My eyes attached to the brown ones that belonged to him; to Patrick. He was standing beside his old sports car. My vision became blurred as tears welled up in my eyes.

No words came from my mouth, so Patrick took the time to speak once again, “Hannah, I need to talk to you.” His voice was filled with desperation.
Still no words came to me. A few moments later, his body was next to mine. We walked in a silent unison.

Once we got to the park, which I assumed was his destination, we sat down on swings beside each other.

He let out a sigh before speaking, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

Patrick’s head was down so I couldn’t see his face.

“Why did you leave?” I asked. “Why didn’t you say goodbye.”
“It was for school –there was a great offer. I found out, and I didn’t know how to say goodbye. It would hurt too much –so I decided to not say goodbye at all. I guess I just wanted it to be a “See ya later” sort of thing, and not permanent.”
I nodded, understanding, but it still hurt. “Even if you would have said “Goodbye” it wouldn’t have been permanent.” My voice said softly.
“I know that now.” Pat spoke, now facing me, “I was young and stupid. I know more now. I’m sorry for breaking all those promises that I wasn’t around to keep –I’ll never do anything like that again. I’ll never hurt you again.”

We both got to our feet. He wrapped me in his arms; in a hug. I knew he’d be keeping his promises this time. I knew it, and I felt safe.

I looked up, and my blue eyes met with his brown ones. “I forgive you.” My voice said confidently.

Nothing would ever heal the hurt I was faced with for those two years, but I knew we could reconcile.

I forgave him because we both knew what happened was wrong. We both knew it hurt. This was something we wouldn’t forget. I wasn’t seeking revenge either. The two of us wanted what was best for one another, and I accepted his effort to fix what was done those years ago.

We could make our friendship better, and last forever. There was never an end to our relationship –just a new beginning. Our unconditional love for each other would stay strong, and undeniable.

This was the only place I wanted to be right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was for a school project.
What do'ya think? :)