The Twists and Turns of Love


“Are you sure this looks fine?” Tim asked Eric, looking over attire for the millionth time.

“Yes, I’m sure. Now, relax. It’s a date with a girl, not a job interview.”

“I don’t know which one makes me more nervous.”

“Chill. Everything will go well.”

It was hard to “chill” when it was his first date with Sarah. If he screwed this one up, there was no chance left for him, so everything had to be perfect. Sure, he wasn’t like Eric, a guy it seemed every girl fell for, but he had his charm, or so he’d been told.

“Are you ready?” Tim asked, glancing at the wall clock.

“Yup, I’m all set to go,” he replied, tossing Tim his car keys.

“Here we go.”


“I’ll come pick you up as soon as I drop Sarah off at her house, okay?”

“Alright. Good luck with her,” Eric said before climbing out of the car.

“You too.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll need it,” he laughed.

Tim watched his friend enter the glass doors and walk towards Brandy. He wore a smile so fake you could tell from a mile away. And yet, Brandy believed it and smiled back sincerely. That wouldn’t last long. And for some reason he felt bad for her.

As he pulled up to the address Sarah had given him over the phone, Tim breathed in deeply. He liked her, right? I mean why else would she give him her number and go on a date with him.

He mustered up all the courage in him and walked up to her front door. He could hear female voices on the other side, and footsteps running around. Last minute stuff, probably.

When he knocked, he heard the footsteps freeze and the chattering stop. A smiling Claire opened the door.

“Hey, Tim. How are you? Sarah will be right out she’s not quite done yet. Do you want to come in?”


And then, Sarah rushed out of a closed door on their right and wowed them both. She looked gorgeous. The top half of her hair was pulled back in a poof and the bottom half curled at the bottom, which looked great compared to how she always wore it: plain old straight. She wore a simple dress with a flowery pattern in indigo and low heels to match. Her coffee colored eyes looked better than ever with the makeup she had on.

“You look great.”

“I do?” Sarah asked, looking down at the dress.

“Yeah, you do.”

Claire smiled at them and murmured something about them getting going, but all Tim could pay attention to was Sarah. If she had been pretty in her tomboy clothes, imagine now. Seeing this version of her, he wasn’t sure he wanted her to go back to the other one so much.

Sarah got her bag and walked towards him. She was smiling wide, which reminded him of Eric’s expression as he went to meet up with Brandy. He felt a pain somewhere in him, but it was far from being physical.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, her smile fading, to be replaced by a look of worry.

And just like that, the pain vanished. Here she was, worried about him, and he was doubting her. She wouldn’t have gone that far if she didn’t feel anything for him, he was sure.

“No, I just got distracted there.”
“So, where are we going?” she asked, as they approached the car.

“Didn’t I tell you it was a surprise?” Tim replied, opening the car door for her.

“Yes, but I’m going to see it soon anyways,” she replied, matter-of-factly.

He loved how she was so blunt. It made him feel like there was nothing she would hide from him.

“True,” he pondered, “Well, we’re going bowling.”

“Bowling?” she asked with an undecipherable expression on her pretty face.

He had thought it would be fun to do it. It wasn’t very romantic, but it was their first date, he didn’t want to rush things. It was better to play it safe than to move too fast. He hadn’t thought she would see it as silly, which was certainly possible.

“Do you think it’s stupid? We could-”

“No! No, it sounds cool, but the thing is, well, um… I’ve never done it before.”

Tim breathed out. If she hadn’t liked the idea, he would be sure she wasn’t the girl for him. And he really wanted her to be the girl for him.

“Don’t worry, it‘s easy to pick up.”

She still looked unsure.

“Do you trust me?” he asked, taking a shot in the dark there.

“Yes, but-”

“Then let’s go.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is so short, it's embarassing, but I thought it would be better than nothing. A few things I have to point out:
1. The details of Sarah's little makeover will be in the next chapter (which will be her POV) but I don't think it'll be a temporary thing.
2. There may be some errors in this (like grammar and typos) as I wrote this right now really quickly.
3. The next chapter will be filled with drama (!) and therefore probably long, so it might take me a little longer to write it. Something pretty big will happen in it. That's it I'm going to say.
Take care, guys.