The Twists and Turns of Love


At first, all Sarah was able to do was get the bowling ball in the gutters. That, or make it roll on to another player’s track, which didn’t receive too many friendly comments.

With Tim’s help, she managed to knock down a few pins. Better than nothing, right?

“I’m going to take a restroom break,” Sarah said.

As soon as got in, and she looked at herself in the mirror, she laughed. Those bowling shoes did not go well with that dress, or any dress for that matter. They were neon pink and yellow, which clashed horribly with her dress. And Tim had been so kind as to say she still looked nice.

Poor Tim. He seemed like he actually liked her, and she didn’t know what she felt for him. She couldn’t get Eric out of her mind, but she had only seen him once, and here was Tim, a kind, cute, funny and all around great guy, at her reach. He was someone she could actually be with, not someone that was more of a fantasy than a reality. But she couldn’t help her feelings.

But maybe if she gave him a chance, she would forget Eric. That would be the best for everyone.

“It’s your turn,” Tim told her when she returned.

She grabbed a hot pink bowling ball (those were the lightest) and breathed in deeply. She was going to get this one right.

“C’mon Sarah!”

She turned and saw Tim’s encouraging face. She smiled at him and went for it.

Much to her surprise, the ball rolled in the center and knocked down all the pins. She jumped in the air and Tim went over to congratulate her.

“The student beats the teacher.”

“Well, I had a good teacher.”


After the game, which Tim won by a lot, regardless of that last strike, they went to eat a nearby restaurant, which wasn’t exactly the fanciest around, but it wasn’t a McDonald’s either.

“Around where do you live?” Tim asked her, since they would be leaving soon.

“Well, it’s close to the mall. Just a little more down the street.”

“Oh. Would you mind stopping at the mall to pick up a friend of mine since it’s on the way?”

“No, of course not.”

Tim grabbed the tab and pulled out his wallet.

“How much do I have to pay?” Sarah asked, opening her purse.

“Nothing at all.”

“Oh, come one, Tim. Let’s pay half and half.”

“It’s my treat.”


“You can pay the next time,” he teased.

“Remember you said this,” Sarah said, giving in.


“I think he said he was here,” Tim said, pulling up in the The Golden Spoon parking lot.

They waited a while.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Do you want me to drive you home?”

“Tim, don’t worry. I can wait.”

“I just don’t want you to have the worst date of your life.”

“Trust me, this one definently wasn’t. The best so far, actually.”

“I’m glad you had fun.”

“You didn’t have a terrible time, did you?”

“No! Of course not. How could I have a terrible time with you?”

Sarah blushed and looked away.

“There he is. Oh, and he’s still got company.”

She turned to where he was looking and her heart skipped a beat. His friend was no other than Eric. And he was with a girl. A pretty girl.

“Hadn’t you told me you knew him?”

Sarah only nodded.

She felt her eyes tearing up. He had a girlfriend. She had never had chance with him. It had all been a product of her imagination.

“Sarah? Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she replied, removing her seatbelt, not daring to look at Tim in the eyes.

“I think I’ll just walk home.”


“I need some fresh air. Thanks for driving me here,” she said before opening the car door and getting out.

I started raining a little, so she covered her head and got ready to run all the way to her house.

“Sarah, wait.”

Tim got out quickly and rounded the car to her side.

“What’s the matter? Did I say something wrong?”

“No, Tim. You didn’t.”

“Then why are you leaving me like this?”

It was raining harder by the minute, and in a few seconds, they were soaked through.

She sighed and unconsciously looked over at Eric and the girl he was with. The parking lot lights shone on her damp face and Eric noticed she was crying.

“Oh. I see.”


“You- you’ve always like him, right?”

“You don’t understand.”

“How could I have been so stupid as to think you would like me? Me of all people.”

“Tim, I-”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you home now.”
“No, it’s okay. I can walk.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Bye, Tim.”

“Bye,” he replied, in a distant tone.

It was obvious neither of them were in the mood to be as polite as usual. After all, both of them had their hearts broken that night.

Sarah walked to her house in the pouring rain, her tears mixed with the rainwater. She had broken his heart. Just like Eric had done to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here it is. This chapter makes me sad.:( I know I could make it not be sad, because, duh, I'm the writer, but life isn't always all rainbows and sunshine. A random fact for you all: when I wrote this chapter I constantly listened to "Swim" by Jack's Mannequin. Music inspires me a lot when I am writing. And that song is awesome. Anyways, thanks for reading!