The Twists and Turns of Love


“He has a girlfriend,” Sarah announced to Claire when she opened the front door. Her clothes dripped all over the carpet but Claire didn’t mind; something was wrong with Sarah.

“What? Are you sure? Tim doesn’t seem like that kind of guy.”

“Not Tim, Eric.”

Just saying the name out loud provoked a pain somewhere inside her.

“Eric? What does this have to do with your date with Tim?”

“It has everything to do with it. I saw Eric with a girl.”

A really pretty girl.

“I’m sorry,” Claire replied, hugging her tightly.

Sarah sobbed in her friend’s arms until she told her to get changed or she’d catch pneumonia. She felt so comfortable and like everything would be alright with Claire, that she didn’t want to part from her. They were such good friends, it had turned into sisterhood at some point.

Claire pulled out some Ben and Jerry’s from the freezer and they sat on the couch and just talked.

“You know what the worse part is? I hurt Tim. I want to like him so bad but I just can’t,” Sarah said, eating a big spoonful of chocolaty ice cream.

“That’s out of your control. Don’t worry, he’s a nice guy. He’ll understand.”


They both remained in silence, thinking.

“I have some news. Would you like to hear them or wait till a better moment?”

“I want to hear them,” she said, forgetting all the drama of the night for a second.

“Jake asked me out.”

“That’s great,” Sarah replied, jumping up and hugging her.

“Yeah. The thing is, I haven’t answered him yet.”

“What? Why not?”

“He recently broke up with his girlfriend and I have a feeling I’m just… the rebound girl.”

“He had a girlfriend?”

“Yeah, that brainless blonde from English.”

Brainless was flattering for that girl. She thought Argentina was next to Wyoming.

“Do you still like him?”

“I don’t know. You know I’ve always liked romantic guys, yet Jake asked me out via text message. That says a lot about someone.”

“Yeah. Judging from this, I don’t think he’s your perfect match anymore. At all. If only you could see how gentlemanly Tim is. You’d fall in love with him in a second,” Sarah teased.

“Don’t get your hopes up, Miss Matchmaker.”

“Speaking of Tim, I’m going to try to fix things with him.”

“And forget about Eric?”

Her heart wanted to reply NO!! but her head responded.

“Yes. I’ve already wasted too much time thinking about him. It’s about time to move on.”

Claire looked at her with an are-you-serious expression. She knew her friend all too well.

“I’m going to do it, period.”

“It’s easier said than done, you know.”
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Sorry this took so long. I had some writer's block for a while. Thanks for reading!