The Twists and Turns of Love


“Hey man, how’d it go with Sarah?” Eric asked opening the car door and getting in quickly to avoid the rain.

Tim didn’t answer. How could he when he felt so awful?

“Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay,” he replied angrily. “Do you always have to get them? I thought just for once a girl like her would take the time to get to know me. Me. I should have known…”

“What are you talking about?” Eric asked, confused as ever.


“But I don’t even know her.”

“Well she sure seemed to know you,” Tim spat bitterly.

“Dude, chill. What’s going on?”

Tim boiled with anger. Why was he acting like he had no clue?

“What’s going on is Sarah ditched because, guess what? She’s into you. It was probably just a pity date with me.”

“Sarah’s into me? You’ve lost it. We don’t know each other.”

“No,” Tim said, remembering the first time he had seen her, “She knew your name and said she knew you.”

“That’s weird. I don't remember ever knowing any Sarah.”

“Doesn’t matter if you know her or not. It won’t make a difference.”

“But what exactly happened? She just straight out told you this?”
“No, she saw you and Brandy together and she seemed, I don’t know, hurt.”

“I repeat, this is really weird.”

“It sucks.”

“I’m sorry. I know you really liked her, but I guess you’ve got to move on. If it was meant to be, it would be. You have to give in sometimes.”

“Oh really. Kind of like how you gave in with Linda, right?”

“That has nothing to do with this.”

“Well, you said sometimes you have to give in. Why don’t you take your own advice, huh?”

“It’s different.”

“No, it’s not. You just think you have a chance with Linda because you’re every girl’s dream, while it’s obvious Sarah is never going to want me.”

“Tim, what are you saying?”

“Can’t you see, Eric? I’ve been living in your shadow. You always get the girl, while I stand in the sidelines watching like an idiot.”


“Do you remember that tall brunette you went out with in freshmen year?”

“Oh, yeah. She was a goody two shoes.”

“I had a crush on her since the third grade and you knew it.”

“I thought you were over her. You said so yourself.”

“I was lying so you could go out with her and wouldn’t feel bad. I really liked her.”

“I thought you were serious when you said it.”

“The thing is, you only ever think of yourself.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I want to forgive you but it’s too late. The damage is already done and now I really am over her.”

“Tim, I had no idea I was doing this to you. You know you’re my best friend. I would never do it on purpose.”


“To make it up to you, I’m going to help you win Sarah back.”

“It’s impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible if you really want it.”
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Sorry this took so long. The good part is I've been having a great summer. Hope you all have been too.:) And have a great first day of school (whenever that is for you). You're awesome for reading. You really are.