The Twists and Turns of Love


Sarah awoke with a horrible headache. The type you get from crying yourself to sleep.

“How are you?” Claire asked, seeing she was awake too.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know.”

It was strange. She didn’t know what she felt. It sounded so stupid to not even know yourself. A part of her, the thinking part, told her to apologize to Tim and live happily ever after with him. Except she just couldn’t. Because that other side of her, the one that paid attention to her heart, knew she cared for Eric, and not Tim. And deep down she knew she couldn’t be completely happy with Tim because he was Eric’s friend for goodness’ sake! How could she go out with a guy but be in love with his best friend?

“Well, if you need me, I’m right here for you. Don’t you ever forget that.”

“Thanks, Claire. You’re the best. Seriously.”

Claire smiled and got off her bed to hug her.

“Wait, what are you still doing in bed? Where’s the early riser I know?” Sarah asked, astonished.

“I just felt like sleeping. If I woke up, then I would start over thinking things.”

“Things like Jake?”


“I think you should do what feels right but maybe you should give him a chance.”

“See, that’s the problem. I don’t know if I should give him that.”

“Do you think he deserves it?”

“I don’t know.”

“If there’s room for doubt, then he does.”

“Alright. Just one date.”

“Great. You should go call him right now.”

“I will,” she said, rushing off to get her cellphone.

“Hey, Sarah?” Claire said, stopping at the door.


“When did you turn into an advice guru?”

“I didn’t.”

“Oh, you and your modesty,” she laughed.

If only I could take my own advice, she thought glumly.



Sarah heard Tim’s voice loud and clear on the other end.

“Hey Tim, it’s Sarah.”

“Oh, hi Sarah. What’s up?”

“Not much. Just, um, hanging around here.”


“I was wondering if you wanted to do something, like, together.”


He sounded surprised.
“Yeah, like, I don’t know, watch a movie or something.”

“With me?”



“What do you mean why?”

“I mean, why are you doing this? Because you feel sorry for me? If that’s the case, don’t worry.”

“No, Tim. Why are you being like this?”

“Because you don’t like me. You like Eric.”

“No Tim I- I like you.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes, I’m sure. Eric may have some good qualities but he’s not as great a guy as you.”


“Please, just give me one more chance. That’s all I’m asking for.”


“Do you want to come watch a movie at my house or yours?”

“I’ve got a wide screen tv and surround sound. That’ll make it really cool.”

“Then it’s definently at your house. When you’re used to that, your eyes will hurt from watching my stone age tv.”

They laughed, and it felt like none of that drama had gone down between them.

“Do you want me to go pick you up?” Tim offered.

“No, it’s alright. I just need your address.”

As soon as the exchange was done, they said their goodbyes.

“See you tomorrow then,” Sarah said.
“Yeah. Have a good day.”

“You too.”

When she hung up the phone, Sarah expected to feel happy, excited even, but she didn’t. She felt horrible. She had lied to him mercilessly. She had told him she liked him, when she really liked Eric. And the worst part was, he seemed to believe it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you once again for reading. I'll never get tired of thanking you lovely people.:)
This chapter goes out to tsmith :D for her wonderful comment. I love getting feedback so thank you lots!
That's it for now. Take care!