The Twists and Turns of Love


“Guess what?” Tim asked, as soon as Eric had gone through his front door.


“Sarah asked me to hang out.”

“Wait, Sarah?”

“Yeah. She said it was misunderstanding or something and she actually likes me.”

Somehow this ideal way to end things sounded suspicious.

“So when will that hanging out take place?”

“Soon. She’s coming over.”

“Then what am I doing here?”

“I need your advice on what to wear.”

“You sound like a girl,” Eric teased, but helped him out nonetheless.

“Tim, are you sure she’s not going to hurt you?” Eric asked him as they browsed through his closet.

“Why would you think that?” he replied, turning his head brusquely to look at him.

“Because of what happened before.”

“I told you it was just a misunderstanding.”

Eric didn’t have the heart to tell him it could all be a lie. He didn’t know why but he didn’t trust that Sarah girl the least bit. It seemed like she was playing with Tim.

“You haven’t talked about Linda in a while.”
“That’s because there’s nothing to say. I haven’t seen her since that day I crashed into here and I probably will never see her again.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Almost as if I did. What are the odds of , I don’t know, randomly finding her down the street or in a store?”

“You’re got to let destiny work its magic.”

“Easy to say when you’ve got the girl. Looks like the rolls are inverted.”

“Hey, things will look up. Don’t worry.”

“I sure hope you’re right.”

The doorbell rang.

“I’m still not dressed properly,” Tim said, pulling anything out of his wardrobe and pulling it on.

“How do I get out of here without being noticed?”

“You can’t. The front door is the only option.”

The doorbell rang again.

“Could you get that?” Tim asked, desperately looking for the shirt he had planned on wearing.

“Me? I’m not even supposed to be here.”

“Please? She’s going to think I stood her up if no one answers.”

Eric saw his friend’s pleading face and succumbed. It was just a little favor. He was here by accident and would leave as soon as Tim was ready. Simple as that.

For some odd reason, he was nervous. He didn’t really know why, but he just was. The idea of seeing Sarah, the same Sarah who Tim said was in love with him, and also the same Sarah who seemed to be playing with Tim. And the same Sarah who made him nervous. Why was he so nervous? There was no reason why he should be. Yet it seemed like the universe wanted, no needed, him to be.

He breathed in deeply and turned the knob slowly. It felt like that moment in a movie where the main character takes a huge risk and you’re almost 100 percent sure he won’t survive.

When he opened the door and saw the girl standing on the other side, Eric’s jaw almost dropped. It was Linda.

“What are you doing here?” he managed to get out.

She seemed just as surprised as he felt.

“I- Am I at the wrong house?”

“I think you are, but, you see, it’s destiny that brought you here,” Eric said, smiling so wide his face hurt.

“Yeah, but I’ve got to be somewhere…”

“Can’t you just stay for a second? I- I need to at least get your e-mail or something. I can’t lose you again.”

“Um, well-”

“Come in,” he said opening the door wide.

She seemed hesitant, but he was able to convince her.

“I’ve been looking all over for you,” Eric said, sitting down beside her on the couch.

“Really? But, I mean, why?”

“Well, because you’re amazing.”

“Eric?” Tim was standing at the door of his room.

“Tim! You won’t believe what just happened.”

“Oh my god,” Sarah murmured, getting up quickly.

“What’s going on here?” Tim asked, anger creeping into his tone.

“This is the famous Linda,” Eric announced happily.

“No, this is Sarah,” Tim replied curtly.

“You’re Sarah?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if there are any typos, I'm very prone to them. Happy reading!