The Twists and Turns of Love


“What did you get on the test?” Claire asked, exiting the classroom and walking beside her towards the school entrance.

“A D,” Sarah replied glumly.

She had never been a straight A student, but her grades were usually pretty good. Unlike the one she just got back.

“Oh, well, I’m sure you’ll do better next time.”

“I hope so. What did you get? An A++?” she asked, grinning. It wouldn’t surprise her if they added a higher mark just to grade Claire’s test fairly.

“No, just an A.”

“I honestly don’t know how you do it.”

“Studying does the trick.”

“Not for everyone.”

“So, Sarah, tell me, have you talked with Tim yet?”

“No, I keep calling him but he doesn’t pick up. He probably doesn’t want to talk to a jerk like me.”

“Hey, if he actually thinks that then he better watch out.”

“What are you going to do? Stab him with a fork? Or maybe you’ll send your gang to beat him up, right?” Sarah said, doubling over in laughter.

“Don’t mess with me, Sarah. I know where you live,” Claire said, struggling to put a serious expression on her face.

They laughed all the way to their house. And then the got some news that weren’t funny at all.

In the mailbox there was a letter from their school. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, since they got grade reports periodically, but since there was only one envelope addressed to Sarah, and nothing for Claire, it was strange.

Sarah tore it open and just remained staring at the piece of paper.

“What is it?” Claire asked, thinking it was something dumb, like her parents had forgotten to sign some papers or something.

“They what?”

“They’re kicking me out.”


Claire rushed over to her and grabbed it.

“We are sorry to announce your ejection from our institution for not complying with the terms of the scholarship you had previously received, which sustains you must have at least a C+ in 75% of your classes,” Claire read aloud, “Next Monday, your scholarship will have expired and you will no longer be enrolled in this establishment.”

Sarah sat down on the couch and breathed out.

“I have to leave.”

“This can’t be happening,” Claire said, sitting down beside Sarah and hugging her.

“I’m going to have to go back home. And leave you here.”

“You can still stay and go to a public school around here.”

“No, I’m going home.”

“But what about Eric and Tim?”

“I guess this is how it had to be. Destiny has its way of working wonders.”

“Sarah, what about me? Nothing will be the same without you.”

“I’m sorry, Claire. But I think I’m making the right choice.”

“No, you’re not.”

“I’m sure I am. And I’m also sure you’ll be fine without me.”

“How can you be? I need you here.”

“Claire, I want to think of myself for once.”

“But don’t you care that I’m going to be here all alone?”

“Yes, I do, but I also need some time awa from this place.”

“So, that’s it, you’re going to give up and run away like a coward?”

Sarah didn’t respond to that.

“Why can’t you stick around and make things better instead of leaving?”

“And why can’t you accept that it’s my life and I make my own decisions?”

“Because I care about you and I want the best for you.”

“No, Claire, I think you just want the best for yourself.”

“For myself?”

“Yes, you need me here because otherwise you’ll be all alone. You don’t have anymore close friends. And you know why that is? Because nobody likes hanging out with a girl who’s a million times better looking and more intelligent and being compared to her. And the worse part is you know it. You know everyone around you admires you and I think you even like it.”

“Sarah? What are you saying? You’re not making sense.”

“We both know I am.”

“You’re just mad at me now because you lost both the guys you were playing around with, aren’t you? You need someone to blame because you can’t face you screwed up and it’s all your fault.”

“That’s not true. You just don’t like them because they were never interested in you. Well, guess what? Not every guy on the face of Earth will fall at your feet at the sight of you.”

“So that’s what you think of me? Doesn’t sound like a friend to me.”

“I could say the same of you.”

“Have a good trip home,” Claire snapped before leaving.

“I will!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is. Hope you liked it.
About the fight in this chapter: sorry kiddos, it had to happen sometimes. Characters are based on humans and us humans have big emotional instability and issues sometimes. So yeah, I kind of needed to show nobody has a perfect relationship, including people that don't even exist.
Sorry if there are any errors, I've been typing at full speed in my free time to write as much as possible in the small time span I have.
And, like always, thanks for reading. You are really <insert your favorite synonym of awesome here> (I'm tired of always saying awesome, the best, blah blah blah so you can think of the one you like best.) :)
I know I know, I'm random...