The Twists and Turns of Love


Sarah was gone. And she had done absolutely nothing to stop her. Sure, she had been mad but she really wanted her friend to stay, and not for the selfish reasons Sarah thought. She wouldn’t like being alone, but there were other reasons besides that.

For one, Sarah loved their school. Absolutely adored it. She couldn’t just leave her dream behind and she couldn’t givp for anything, not even for a boy.

And then there was Eric. She knew she really cared about him. Claire had never seen her so riled up about a boy before. And he liked her back. Someone had finally seen all the beauty she held within. She couldn’t just throw that away.

She had to something, but, what? Claire began pacing, trying to think of something, when her phone rang.


“Hey, Claire.”

As soon as she heard the voice on the other end, her heart skipped a beat.

“Jake! What’s up?”

With all her might, she contained a squeal.

“I just thought it’s been a long time since we did something together.”

“Yeah, it’s been a while.”

Claire had been so busy with all the problems in Sarah’s life that she had shoved her things to the side.

“So, do you wanna go get some coffee?”

“Actually, I can’t today.”

“You can’t?”

“I’m sorry. But we should definently do it some other time.”


“I really am sorry.”

“It’s no problem, really.”

“I’m glad. So we’ll talk soon, I hope?”

“We’ll see.”

And then he hung up. Just like that.
Claire stared at the phone as if the machine in itself had offended her.
“Well, that was rude,” Claire said out loud to no one.

She pushed Jake and his stupid actions away from her head and focused on Sarah. She needed to find her.

She dialed her number again and again but Sarah never picked up.

As soon as she put her phone down, she received a call from an unknown number. Hoping it was Sarah, Claire picked it up without hesitating.


“No, it’s Eric.”

“Eric? How’d you get my number?”

“That doesn’t matter right now. We need to stop Sarah.”

“I think we’re a little late for that, but what we can do is go to my town. I think we can convince her to come back.”

“Yeah. Meet you at the train station in 15 minutes?”

“Alright. See you there.”

Claire grabbed her bag and practically ran out the door. She smiled wide. Between Eric and her they were sure to convince her, no doubt about it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. So after not posting for ages, here I am once again. I know I've been kinda jerky in leaving you hanging but school is really tough and the free time I got I wnated to spend with friends and such. (Sorry for the random blabbering about my life.)
Anyways, here's the first chapter in Claire's POV, to spice things up a little.
Thanks for reading!!