The Twists and Turns of Love


After Brandon drove away, Sarah was left sitting on the street curb, all alone. Brandon had offered to drive her but she knew it would be too awkward to talk on the way, and even worse to stay silent.

Brandon had opened her eyes. She really did need to sort everything out. And that could only mean one thing. She dreaded it and looked forward to it at the same time.

The train ride seemed longer than ever. Her thoughts drove her crazy and she wished she could be there already. The butterflies in her stomach weren’t helping.
She had already planned everything in her head. First she would go see Claire, and apologize, and then she could use Claire’s help to find Eric.
Sarah felt like she was using her friend a little at first. But then she realized just how much she wanted to be friends again. And that was all that mattered.

She rang the doorbell and waited. She was so excited she was almost shaking.

The door opened and Sarah’s heart skip a beat. There was Claire, looking as gorgeous as ever in a blue dress.


“Hi,” she replied, flashing her a lopsided grin.

“Sarah!” she repeated, and reached out to hug her. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

After all the hugs and sorries, they entered the apartment. Claire talked nonstop about everything that happened in the period of time they hadn’t talked.

“I missed you so much,” Claire concluded, sitting beside Sarah on the couch.

“I missed you too. I really am sorry for everything.”

“I know. Me too. Now let’s pinky promise not to ever talk about this again.”


They intertwined pinkies and smiled at each other.

“Now that that’s done, I need to tell you how fantastic you look. I almost couldn’t believe my eyes,” Claire smiled.

“Thanks. You look great too.”

“And now you have to tell me about a certain guy, don’t you?” Claire asked.

“I’m an idiot. I ruined everything with him.”

She proceeded in telling her the awful tale.

“I’m sorry. You guys made such a cute couple.”

“I came here because I think it’s about time to put things in their place. That just had to happen to open my eyes.”

Claire hugged her tightly.

“And what about you?” Sarah asked, “How’s the boy department doing?”

“Well… I kind of had something with Jake a while back but I realized he’s an idiot and I want nothing more to do with him. And then… there was another guy.”

“What guy? Do I know him?”

“Sarah, please don’t be mad but it was, well, it was Eric.”


“It wasn’t anything really serious, I promise.”

“But you went out with him.”

“Yeah,” she said, casting her eyes downwards.

“When did this happen?”

“A month from the last time we saw you.”

Around when Brandon and her had started going out.

“And how long did it last?”

“We broke up a week ago.”


“But, really, if you want to give him a shot, it’s alright with me. I’m sure he’s already over me too. We just got together because…I don’t know, maybe we were disappointed we hadn’t brought you back.”

“Could you help me find him?”

“I’m not sure. I know he’s playing somewhere with the band. I just don’t know where.”

“Maybe we could call him or maybe Tim.”

Neither wanted to call Eric. It was pretty obvious why.

“I’ll call Tim,” Claire offered.

“Thanks,” Sarah said, happy she didn’t have to have an awkward moment with Tim.

After talking with him on the phone, Claire had the address jotted down in a notepad. She hadn’t mentioned Sarah was going along so they wouldn’t start worrying about that.

“Ready to go?” Claire asked, waving the notepad in the air.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi again. :)
Sorry 'bout the typos/mistakes/errors...
Love ya for reading (and don't be creeped out by that please.):D
Lots of love from Spain